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The land sprawled in front of her like the vast ocean. The fields were alive with workers tending to the crops; there were more fields than the last time she was here. Since the long period she had been visiting this land, she had never witnessed such sudden change. She had been here just a few decades prior and, although the puny lives of the Sorjef (short-lived) were nothing compared to her kind's lifespans, all the old settlements were in ruins. What had transpired here?

Focus, she told herself.

 She was here to acquire a host, not contemplate on the unimportant, fickle politics of the young, oblivious world. The sun was high in the sky and she was no closer to finding a suitable target than she had been in the morning. Maybe she had underestimated the time she would require to choose a host. She remembered the last time she was here, the Sorjef had been having some sort of festival and she had found a host in no time, he had been quite important as well. It was a truly remarkable feeling to influence the thoughts of an inferior being; pure ecstasy, she liked to call it. She had been in that mind for years until suddenly she had been expelled back to her world. That kind of expulsion could only have been the result of the death of her host, it had been a surprisingly painful event too. It had taken years for her to re-form thus she was determined to choose a young and healthy host this time.

She decided to leave the fields and explore the land further, until now she had only investigated the old ruins and fields and it had been in vain. She swooped past the fields to some new villages and towns. The people there, however, were strange, they did not seem native to the land and it appeared as if an alien aura emitted from them signalling that they did not belong there. They looked a bit different too, although they had the same body shape and stature, they were a little taller and quite more fairer of skin. She spent some time surveying the new life forms but found none suitable for her purposes and, after some more wandering, arrived at an impressive mansion; it was almost a palace. She passed through the stone walls of the building, the guards' minds being too weak to perceive her current form. Sorjef materials were no barrier for her kind, they could easily surpass them. 

The inside was built in a luxurious manner with four towers at the corners with connecting stone passages between them. The centre was encompassed by a four-storey building with multiple chambers and living quarters. There was also an underground section consisting of dungeons and cramped living quarters occupied by the native species. The overground edifice was scarcely filled and all of the residents were of the newer, alien species.

She eventually found herself in the south-east tower whereupon she passed into the topmost chamber. A young girl (of the same alien species) occupied the room, slowly she made her way towards her. The girl had a pretty face with dark black eyes and blonde hair which was tied back as she bent over a desk to write something. You shall do perfectly, she thought to herself. She glanced at the sky again, the sun was now low and darkness was nigh. She had to act fast or be decimated by the night. Wasting no time, she lowered herself into the girl, touching her inner depths and soul. The girl gasped but was unaware of the process which would soon change her life forever. Ecstasy, thought Iglad the Dyl to herself as the girl's mind opened to her.

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