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Dear Future Civilization:

My name is Ember. I am just a small piece of the fire that is our Earth.

But that fire is dying. I am dying. We all are.

So I have decided to make the best of it. I have decided to share with future generations that might live on this planet my last few days here, just so they know what happened to the people before them, so they don't make the same mistakes.

Oh, did I forget to mention that I am the only one aware that the end of the world is coming much sooner than we think? All the other humans see the terror and destruction around them, but they still think they have time. We aren't as smart a species as we thought, huh?

Anyway, today I went to school just like any normal day. Even more students were absent because of the rare sicknesses that have somehow permeated our country's borders recently. I had to take a chemistry test, and as if that wasn't bad enough, it was storming outside. Booming thunder, incessant flashes of lightning, and pouring rain broke my concentration more than once. The power even surged a couple of times, but we weren't allowed to leave.

The other students seem oblivious to the weird weather patterns. We've had tornadoes and earthquakes where I live. In case you were wondering, that's not normal on the southern coast. Other places more inland have had hurricanes. Don't even ask me how that's possible. Wildfires are popping up just about everywhere on the map, only to be replaced with serious flooding.

And there I was, taking a chemistry test. We've sure got our priorities straight, huh?

The Dying EmberOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora