1. Tokyo Racers

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Me and Valentina stepped into Tokyo for the first time in our lives.It was amazing.We felt free.We left everything behind to start a new life in Tokyo.I was daydreaming about how awsome it will be that i didnt see Valentina waving her hand in front of my eyes."Heyy Heyy Heyy!I know yiu like it here but we have to get to our apartment."Valentina said chuckling a bit at my flinch back to reality.

"Yeah yeah lets go.I cant wait to sleep"I said looking at her tiredly.The flight was shit and i couldnt sleep at all.It was like 1 am already.

We got to our hotel room and went inside it.We saw two separated rooms and we sighed happily knowing we wouldnt have to sleep with eachother.Valentina opened her bag and was searching in it for something.She pulled out a can of Monster and one of Redbull.She handed me the Monster can saying "So you can be energetic for tonight"

I raised my eyebrow but still opened the can as i was thirty as fuck and also in need of energy.I took my can and went to my room.I layed on the bed looking out the window while drinking Monster.Beautiful.Some time later I finished my drink and Valentina came bargaining in and said "Scarlett get fucking dressed we are going to see the racers!"

I got up and opened my bag and picked an outfit.I wore some oversized pants with a tank top,a flat cap and my vans shoes.I went to the bathroom to fix my make up and went to the living room waiting for Val.

"Lets go!" Val came out of her room happily.We walked around for hours laughing and staring at the beautiful city of Tokyo at night.All the lights were so colourful and smartly put in place.

Then I felt a big fast wind hitting my face as I saw several cars going as fast as lightning."Val!Look!"I screamed knowing she would get excited when seeing them."Wow!!!Lets go after them!"she said grabbing my hand and running as fast as we could.The cars slowed down and turned to the street nearby so we went running and turned right.The cars parked and there were 4 people coming out of them.Then other 4 sluts for each i guess.

Th green car belonged to a guy with blonde short hair with his blonde hooker-dressed bimbo,the blue car was owned by a buff guy with brown shoulder-lenght hair with his red headed bimbo after him,the red car belonged to a guy with black braids and his Japanese bimbo with dirty blonde hair and then from the black car came out a guy with black gorgeous hair who looked emo with his brunette japanese bimbo girl after him.

It seemed that the guy in braids got Val's attention as she kept staring at him but my attention was caught by the emo guy.He looked so handsome.We went in the back of the crowd looking around somewhat confused.The braided guy saw us and squeezed through the crowd to us.

"What are you pretty girls doing here all by yourselves?Are you new?"The braided boy asked looking at me and Val."Yes we are new"Val said without hesitation actually sounding excited."Well then Im Tom.And you are?"Tom said looking at Val."Im Valentina"she said looking at him like he was some celebrity."And you?"he said turning his head towards me "Im not telling you my na-"i said before getting cut off by Val saying "Shes Scarlett".

I was looking madly at Val for giving my name out like that.I started looking at the two.They really looked into eachother."Oh the race is starting!Wanna come with me beautiful?"Tom said handing his hand out to Val.She blushed taking his hand and they left me alone while they were squeezing through the crowd to Toms car.

Each of the racers got in their cars and went to the starting line.A Japanese girl that looked like a hooker got in between the 4 cars and screamed "Ready!...Set!...GO!"And the cars turned on their engine and they were as fast as fucking light.Tom was in front at the time but then The black haired guy came and took over all 3.He was on the 1st place.

Ive waited some good minutes for these people to come back and they did.The black haired guys car stopped first at a finish line with a drift.I was amazed.But this time only he got out.No bimbo crazy bitch.

I saw Tom,Val and the black haired walking as the crowd made space for them to walk freely.The crowd turned back to talk to the blonde and buff boys.

"GIRL!it was amazing!!"Val screamed excitedly jumping around like she was on drugs."What are you doing here beautiful?"yhe black haired guy said while looking at me from up."Who are you to ask me?"I said looking at him confused."So whos the feisty one?"he asked looking at Tom."Shes Scarlett"Tom said while the guy with black hair checked me out."Scarlett huh?Well Im Bill Kaulitz,Tom's twin"he said with a grin."Your coming with me to the race"he chose me?He crazy?"And why should I?"i asked looking kind of annoyed "Because I want you to"he said grinning."Fine"I said as I felt something cold in my back as if it was a gun.Was he threatening me?

We got to the cars and the Japanese girl got in between again and said the same line "Ready!...Set!...GO!!"and the cars went speeding.Tom got in front of us but then Bill accelerated and went past him.It felt like I was flying.I was looking everywhere.At him,at the speed,at the view,at the others.Everywhere.We were close to the finish line and he stopped drifting into a perfect park.Wow.

Bill was looking in front at 5 cars that were standing with one person in the middle."Hide."He said to me and i looked confused "HIDE" he said a bit louder this time as I went in the back seat and hid while peaking out the window to see what was happening.

Bill got out out of the car,closed the door then leaned on the hood."Kirosan!What brings you here?"He said with his hand ready to pull the gun out."Bill Kaulitz.Dont act foolish.You left my sister out on the streets."he said pointing his gun twoards Bill."I just got bored of her.She was boring"he said sighing.

Kirosan got closer to the car with his gun still pointed at Bill."Nice car."he said as i tried to hide but Kirosan saw me."Get away from it."Bill said getting his gun out.Kirosan opened the door and grabbed me by the neck and got me out the car.He pointed his gun at me."Oh so this is what you are hiding Bill Kaulitz?A woman?Wow.What if I kill her?"he said pointing his gun to my head."You kill her and you and your gang are dead."Bill said coldly.I heard some things about him.That he was non caring and girls weren't anything to him just luck.If they got killed wasnt his problem.Why did he suddenly accepted to save me."Oh so the most feared man.Bill Kaulitz fell for a woman?Wow."he said releasing the gun from my head and leaving to his car.Bill held up one finger in the air.Tom and the others gut their guns out and shot Kirosan and his gang killing them.Kirosans blood was on my face and hands.The feeling of seeing them dead,bleeding was exciting.Bill had noticed I liked it because he came to me putting one arm around my waist and said "Fun isn't it?Also are you okay?Did he do anything to you?"he said a bit concerned."Im fine but this really was fun.Do you kill people for fun?"i asked looking at him.

"Sometimes."he said confused."Wow!"i said amazed.I liked it and i didnt know why."we have to leave.Lets go!"He shouted as we all got in our cars.There was nothing we else could do."We need to got to your apartment to get your stuff and Val's"he said looking at the road."Why?"i asked raising an eyebrow."Tom likes Val and you could be some help to me and the gang."he said."Ugh.Can I drive to our apartment?"i asked and he looked at me surprised."How come your so brave?"he asked laughing a little."What do you mean?"i asked confused."Yeah okay lets stop and you come to the wheel"i was shocked.I knew he let no one to drive his car.He trusted me even tho he js met me.Wow.I CANT WAIT TO DRIVE THIS MADNESS.

We switched seats and I drove excitedly trough the roads to my apartment.I felt free.This car was something else.We got there and packed my chlotes and Vals.We drove off to their house and moved in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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