Chapter 3

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Andy: "That concludes the first stage. If you only came here to complete the first part of the entry competition, you may leave."

A good chunk of participants leave, leaving about 120 members.

Andy: "Prepare for the combat stage. You all have 20 minutes."


Ethan: "I've been preparing for this. If I lose, I must commit seppuku."

Charlotte: "No way we lose here, we're way too strong, right, Gale?"

Gale: "R-r-right."

Charlotte: "I'm stronger, though."

Alex: "This is for you, Mom and Dad. I definitely won't lose here."

Chapter 3

After 20 minutes, everyone enters the sparring room.

Andy: "To further elaborate on how this stage will go down, as you can see, we have multiple mats. This is the room we use to spar. Remember, this isn't something you HAVE to win in order to make it, but the higher-ups, including me, will be watching, so you'll want to give it your all. Since we have multiple mats, we will be running the fights simultaneously to save time.

The first match will be hand-to-hand combat. Any fighting style is allowed. With that being said, we will use 4 of the mats.

We will have Alex vs. Luke on the first mat.

Ethan vs. Hakeem on the second mat.

Gale vs. Bryan on the third mat.

And finally, Charlotte vs. Nisha on the fourth mat.

Each fight will be 2 rounds, and once the four fights finish, the next 8 will enter for their matches. Remember, in order to win, your opponent must hit the ground.

Now, all of you, ROUND 1 BEGIN!"

Alex compares his matchup (Luke) to himself.

"He's pretty short. If I can keep him away, I can win this," Alex thinks to himself.

As rowdy as Luke was, he starts the fight off patient.

"He's not throwing any hits out," Alex thinks to himself.

Alex steps up and throws a kick to keep distance.

Luke immediately dodges and steps closer.

"Not yet, he's out of my range still," Luke thinks to himself.

Alex throws a punch, mistaking his range.

Luke dodges again and throws a straight punch.

"I can't move in time, I have to block it," Alex thinks to himself.

Alex blocks the punch. Luke landed it right above Alex's elbow.

"What the hell? My arm? He punches way too hard. If I get hit again, I'm done," Alex thinks to himself.

Alex throws another kick. Luke dodges to the side and throws a 1-2 combo.

Alex dodges the first one and barely dodges the second one as a cut appears on his cheek after being grazed by Luke's punch.

Luke throws another punch. Alex dodges backward to separate for space.

"He's solely focused on punching. If I can go for his legs, I can win this round. All I have to do is get him to the ground. They never said how," Alex thinks to himself.

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