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 "Will you please hurry up!" Chris spoke to the brown and white pile of fur on 4 tiny skinny legs, as cars whizzed by on the road to his left side.

The pile of fur didn't even acknowledge the human, concentrating on sniffing on seemingly blank concrete sidewalks. Oblivious to the heat of the sun, the cars passed on the active road way. On the right of Chris and Lucy (the name of the pile of fur, a tiny Jack Russell) are trees , bushes, trash and a fence of the community both he and Lucy live for now.

3 months without a job for Chris, a lot of applications and interviews , but companies aren't exactly jumping to hire a senior citizen such as Chris no matter how much experience. If things don't change soon, him and Lucy will be eating the same food soon.

The afternoon sun beat down on Chris's head, Lucy started to move from the sidewalk to the dirt and trees and trash left by passers by, most papers and beer bottles. Chris took out his phone to check his steps, '1798' the screen said, he dropped it in his pocket.

Lucy started to pick up the pace, Jack Russels are hunters by nature, small rodents and possums are always on their mind and Lucy got the scent of something,

Chris looked at the ground to see if he saw what she saw, but just a bottle and papers, wait this paper was different, it wasn't ripped up or weathered , and it is a square, he bent down to take a closer look, tightening his grip on Lucy's leash. Lucy is tiny, about 15 pounds, but when she is hunting her tiny legs felt like a 150 pound pit bull.

"A lottery ticket" Chris said aloud only to Lucy who is trying her best to drag him to get closer to whatever she is sniffing. He picked it up and turned it over, yes a new lottery ticket, the date shown it was already drawn 3 days ago but if it is the winner it would be good to cash in, the number is "1814" , He started to walk in Lucy's dragging direction, "1814?" wait, he stopped again ignoring Lucy's long steady pull. He took out his phone and checked his steps right there on his phone "1819" right when he found the ticket he must have been "1814" it is a sign, it must be a winner, it could be worth hundreds or maybe thousands, maybe all these months of suffering are over!

Just then 'woosh!' Lucy without so much of a bark, Lucy shot around him wrapping his legs in her leash and tumbled hit the pavement like a Hefty bag filled with vegetable soup, His left hand tighten on the leash as he dropped but his cell phone to the ground with a crack, as his right hand stopped the rest of body from hitting the hard cement.

He looked up with his knees and right hand on the concrete and his left hand outstretched from the tension of Lucy's leash.  He saw Lucy still trying to pull the leash with all her might, and he also saw Lucy's goal a bunny, a small brown bunny that is her target. The bunny looked at Chris and Lucy and then hopped under the fence. After her prize was out of sight, Lucy released tension on the leash and went back to sniffing.

Chris sat on his knees and looked at his torn-up hand in pain, no blood but was badly scratched. He reached for his phone with a new cracked screen, still functional but with no job and little money no way for the phone to be fixed. 

"Damn it you damn rat of a dog, my hand, and my phone over a damn stupid bunny, you are a waste of a dog, wait the ticket, where's that ticket. Oh my God!!! You stupid Animal!!"

He ran up, he bent his knee, "I show you hurting me and causing me to lose my only hope!" a second before he was about to drive his left foot into the middle of Lucy's midsection.,He saw Lucy's eyes. Those deep dark brown eyes, and looked at his foot that was about to kick the poor dog into next week.

"I am sorry Lucy." said looking at his hand, "I was just mad, I am ...sorry" He put his foot down, "come on", he patted her on the head. ,"I think we have 3 eggs left, I have 2 and make you one." And they walked back to the other side of the fence. 

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