I fallen for you.

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Isagi come back as Rin sob " I've fallen for you why leave me alone now ...

"Was I just a toy in your game to be played"
Please I can't see you like this isagi as Rin starred at isagi's grave " I've fallen for you there is no time to die now you promised he shouted you promise me that you would live.

If you can't live then so can't I my love you are my paradise if you go to heaven or shall fall in the deep deps I want to be with you as long as your there with me my life my purpose my entirety you fooled me your a coward to go out like this he sob but as soon as he said that a rainbow of happiness fell above of him.

He started laughing " isagi fool me once not again you really are watching me from above even the heavens can't split us apart our love shall rule heaven and earth and shatter them.

Not even the Devil himself can stop us now we are already tied together our fate already written as tears escape from the boys eyes if we live again I will find you and love you I will make sure you won't die this time Im looking further in our future isagi as the boy stepped up he had realize isagi wanted him to live on .

Even past the sadness he never stopped living.

70 years later.

Are you ready Rin the nurse said as Rin looked through the window he said let me go to my soulmate grave one last time the nurse agreed and put him on the wheelchair and pushed him to his grave

Miss ,Rin said don't live like me after all my life I have regret love is something so dangerous that it could kill you but so beautiful to feel I might regret not protecting him enough but I don't regret loving him I would do it again .

As he looked at his nurse tears escaped from his eyes but oddly he smiled then he began saying there is nothing more beautiful then finding love,me and isagi are
Lucky enough to meet each other people dreamed to even go on this path of life even if the path was painful along my life I'm happy that he was there in the end he was the best thing in my life and I hope I was yours too as he rest his hand on the grave .

As he whispered his finale words he said until we meet again, until I meet you again , in another life I love you isagi yochi as he begins to slowly pass away his last heart beat beating his last breath his last look at the sky his last time being here but forever loving isagi.

There lives as been written they may never see each other again love too powerful too the gods themself but leaves a wonder to our faces will there love be so powerful that they beat Haven and God himself we shall never know.

Love is truly a mystery.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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