Chapter 1

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Luke (and above is Calum)

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Luke (and above is Calum)

Luke was out for a walk before he had to go to work that night. He knew that he had to hurry because it was after all his night to run the club. But then his clumsiness got the better of him as he was walking and he fell over something. Why did he not look where he was going? But when he looked down he began to freak out about what he saw and what he nearly tripped over.

He was just laying there, in a pool of his own blood. Dead. But why him? Everyone in town knows to leave him alone, as Calum is very powerful and was involved with a equally powerful man. Calum was Luke's best friend, and Michael's  boyfriend. But  now he is dead, gone and someone did this and they are going to pay. Yes, not everyone knows their secret but, everyone knew to leave Calum alone as everyone that did not know the truth was oblivious and those who did feared Michael.

'It must be someone new to here. Whom doesn't care about the rules of the town, or doesn't know them yet. Either way they will learn. But I can't stand here anymore as the sirens of cop cars is on its way and that means if they see me, they will think I might have something to do with it.' Luke thought to himself.

Just then he had a flashback to the day him and Calum made friends: ' It was Luke's first week working for Michael as his second in command. Micheal had been in charge of the town for 10 years already. Luke had moved to the town 6 years ago when he just got turned  into a vampire by a one night stand. He had heard by some other vampires that if you wanted to live a somewhat 'normal life' then you move to that town. You could even find a normal job. You only had to get past the infamous Michael Clifford. But Luke knew how to charm people. But the day that Calum came to town and claimed that he got lost he saw that it was not Calum that was really lost but Michael. Lost in those chocolate brown eyes. And he knew then he would get to know more about Calum than he thought...' Luke remembered simply smiling at the memory but sad and scared about what was to come after the news of Calum broke and whom ever had been responsible was going to pay dearly.....

As the sirens came closer Luke ran away from the crime scene where his friend lay. He felt so much anger towards the one that did this. But knew at least maybe Crystal will be able to find the culprit. She was Michael's friend and knew about Calum and Michael but wouldn't let that influence her view on the case. Her boss decided she needed a new partner and made her work this case with her, Sierra.

 Her boss decided she needed a new partner and made her work this case with her, Sierra

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"Looks like he was attacked by some kind of animal." Sierra said as she turned to Crystal. "Why would you say that?" Crystal asked as she knew they had no wild animals running around, especially on the outskirts of town. "Well he has bite marks all over like a wild cat or dog has bitten him." Sierra concluded. "Ok, well let's see what the doc has to say. Take him away guys. We don't want too much attention here." Crystal said confidently.

But what neither Luke nor Crystal and Sierra knew was that they were being watched from the shadows and somebody had enjoyed the view....

Meanwhile Michael was unaware of what  had happened to his lover. And Luke was unaware of what was to come his way...

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