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Hunter returned to the Dalmatian house after being out and about. The expression on his face somehow looked rather blank. Triple D took notice and approached him.

"Hunter?! Are you okay?!" said Destiny.

"You, like, really look zoned out!" said Dallas.

"Completely zoned out!" said Deja Vu.

Hunter sighed. "You're right. And there is a reason for it. You see... Something happened to me today. Something I thought would never happen."

"What happened?!" said the triplets.

"Well..." Hunter paused. "I met a girl."

Triple D then gasped with awe and excitement. "A girl?!"

"Yes. And it was really nice."

"Well go on!" said Destiny.

"Tell us everything!" said Dallas.

"Don't spare the details!" said Deja Vu.

"Alright alright," said Hunter. "I was at the park..."


Some time ago, Hunter was taking an afternoon stroll through Camden Park when someone shouted, "Look out!"

Hunter turned to see who was calling out to him when he suddenly got hit in the face by an oncoming ball. He fell to the ground feeling all sorts of pain. A shadow loomed over him saying, "Hello?! Can you hear me?!"

Hunter slowly opened his eyes. As his vision became clearer, he saw a girl with black hair and a pink headband looking at him really worried. "Are you alright?!"

"Uh... I believe so?" said Hunter.

"Can you get up?!"

"I can try." Hunter tried to get up but could barely do so. "'Fraid not."

"Here! Let me help you up!" The girl held her hand out.

"Thanks." Hunter grabbed the girl's hand, and she pulled him up. "What happened?"

"I'm really sorry!" said the girl. "I was playing football with my friends! But I'd missed and you ended up getting hit! You've been out for several minutes now!"

"I see. Well, thanks for the help, but I should get going." Hunter tried to leave, but his body started swaying. He was about to fall until the girl caught him.

"Careful! You're still not feeling well! Let me take you somewhere you can recover!"

"You don't have to do that. I don't want to take up anymore of your time."

"I don't mind! Really! It's the least I can do for not catching the ball!"

"Oh. Okay."

The girl held Hunter's arm to keep him from falling as she lead him out of the park. As they walked, Hunter suddenly started strange. Like he was feeling something he'd never felt before.

"Hey! Mind if I ask you your name?!"

"Oh. It's Hunter."

"I'm Mika! Pleased to meet you, Hunter!"

"Pleased to meet you too, Mika."


"She took me to a clinic, and the doctor said my injury wasn't too serious. Afterwards, she asked if I ever wanted to see her again sometime, and I said yes. We exchanged numbers and parted ways. It was a nice moment, indeed."

Triple D was excitedly amazed by Hunter's story.

"O!" said Destiny.

"M!" said Dallas.

"D!" said Deja Vu.

"What?" said Hunter.

"You met a girl after getting injured?!" said Destiny.

"She offered to help you out?!" said Dallas.

"And she exchanged numbers with you?!" said Deja Vu.

"Those are first signs of a crush!" said the triplets.

"A crush?" said Hunter. "But we just met."

"Crushes can start off from the smallest and simplest of things!" said Destiny.

"And they can become something more with passing time!" said Dallas.

"Didn't you feel something funny when you were with her?!" said Deja Vu.

"Well... yes," said Hunter.

"They call that 'having butterflies in your tummy!'" said Destiny.

"It's when someone starts having feelings towards someone else!" said Dallas.

"And you definitely have feelings for this Mika!" said Deja Vu.

"You really think so?" said Hunter.

"We know so!" said Triple D.

"Well... She was kind enough to help me. First time anyone's ever done that for me. And she did look rather pretty."

"See?!" said Destiny.

"Now you're getting it!" said Dallas.

"That's puppy love for ya!" said Deja Vu.

"Puppy love?" said Hunter.

"Just an expression!" said Triple D.

Hunter picked up the triplets and hugged them. "Thanks, you three. You really know how to cheer me up."

"Awww! Anything for our PFH!"

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