Chapter 1

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Their eyes meet and she attempts a small smile. She knows it's not normal for strangers here to greet each other but they're apparent neighbors and it just seems wrong not to appear nice.

But maybe that's the American in her. And he's gorgeous so it's hard not to react.

He's tall and slim, but not skinny. He's wearing a tan beanie and a denim outfit.

But his face is what arrests her.

Large, kind brown eyes, a perfect nose, and bow lips that are just the right size. His honey skin glows. His hair is a bit long as it curls up from under the bottom of his hat.

She's not sure she's seen anyone as gorgeous as him since arriving in South Korea. In fact, she doesn't think she's ever seen anyone as beautiful as him.

She can't believe she's lived here for weeks with this man in the next apartment. Well, she assumes he's the tenant. She hasn't seen movement from his place since she moved here weeks ago.

He stares back at her with no reaction, like he's trying to gauge the situation. Maybe she's stared for too long.

He finally bows quickly so she does the same. Except when she does, she loses her grip on one of her bags, and a few of her groceries spill onto the ground.

Her hands are full so she has to lean down and let all the bags from her right hand go and pick up what has fallen.

She's embarrassed so she keeps her head down on the task, hoping her insanely gorgeous neighbor will move on but he's there in just a moment helping to pick up.

He hands her the last item, a bottle of kombucha, and their hands just touch. Her eyes flick to his.

"It's good that didn't break," he says as she takes it from him, trying to ignore the feel of his fingers that was left on hers.

The smell of cologne wafting her way doesn't help either. She forces herself not to take in a deep breath to memorize the scent.

"Yeah, these are hard to find," she finally says.

He seems amused for a second for some reason.

"Yeah, they are. I like them too."

"Oh really? Well, here, do you want one?" She offers before putting it in the bag, trying again to be nice to her neighbor.

"No, that's okay. I'm headed out," he says, thumbing towards the elevator.

"Ok, well, drop by sometime and get one."

She flinches at her proposal. Why am I inviting a stranger for kombucha?

I mean, she would love for him to come over. In fact, she would love for anyone to come over.

It's been lonely.

But on the other hand, who knows about this guy.

She knows this is a safe apartment building - her dad made sure of it, but still, all the warnings about guys come flooding back into her memory. It can be dangerous for a single international girl.

But more than that, why is she so lame to invite him over for kombucha, of all things?

She gathers the rest of her bags, wishing she could disappear into the ground.

"Ok, maybe tomorrow," he says with a small smile. She squeezes her bags instinctively.

"Really? I mean, okay."

She gives a small bow in response, "Have a good night then. Thanks for the help."

He bows in response and moves down the hall towards the elevator, trailing a scent of his cologne.

He does a little skip and she can hear him humming something. She can't help but grin to herself and then head in for the night, realizing she didn't even get his name.

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