The Calm

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Carson and I were laying on his bed and scrolling through social media apps when he threw his phone down and groaned. I turned my phone off and rolled to my side to look down at him. He gave me that one look that I knew all too well. 

"Bored?" He nodded and sat up before turning his phone screen to me. I read the text from our girl friend, Abbie who was asking to meet up with us for lunch. 

"We should totally match outfits and makeup" I squealed and we searched through Pinterest to look at makeup ideas. Of course we chose something colorful and cute, just like us. We headed to the living room where the lighting is the best and set up our supplies. I did my makeup while he got dressed into an outfit because if he put his makeup on first it would get fucked up. 

"Hurry up, I'm done with mine. I need to do yours" I shouted and then heard his footsteps. He sat on the couch and pulled me into his lap. 

"I hope it's chill if my brother comes over while we're gone" 

"Hold still, but yeah that's fine" I tweezed one of his eyebrow hairs and he yelped in pain. I started laughing at how dramatic he was when we heard the door open. I don't understand why Carson gave his brother a key to our apartment, but it's whatever. I started to put on Carson's lip gloss when his brother walked around the couch and into my lighting. I looked at Carson who was already yelling about the light and then I continued. 

"You done?" Carson asked and I held him back down when his brother said whoa in a weird way. As I was grabbing his lashes to put on, I looked up to see what his brother even looked like. I looked up into his soft, yet mysterious hazel eyes and his fluffy brown hair. I looked down his muscular chest to his tattoos on his arms and then back at Carson. 

Skyler's POV~

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Skyler's POV~

I opened the door to my brother's apartment hoping his roommate was there so I could finally see her. In the pictures she's beyond gorgeous with a nice frame and style. I heard giggling and walked in to see the angel on my brother's lap. Confused, I walked around to see her doing his makeup and furrowed my brows. Kind of weird to do his makeup while sitting on his lap. I looked at her gentle hands that were flicking the brush to her beautiful face. I looked from her face down to her ass and legs and was interrupted by my brother screaming at me. Rolling my eyes, I moved out of the light and continued to watch the way she bite her lip as she focused. 

She set down the brush and grabbed some torture looking device to pick up lashes and started to turn back to Carson. Her eyes fluttered up to meet mine and I watched as her curious eyes wandered my body. I couldn't read her reaction as she turned away too quickly, but I know I'm impressed by her sight alone. I haven't heard her voice or seen her personality, but I'm dying to get to know her. 

Alexia's POV~ 

"And done" I said and stood up appreciating my art work. Carson dove for a mirror and gasped when he saw the final look making me smile. He helped me carry our stuff back into my room and I took my shirt off to start getting dressed. I noticed his brother looking around the living room and dipped into my closet for privacy. Carson helped me put my sweater on and then left to prepare to leave. I heard him talking as I put on my shoes and grabbed my purse. 

"Yes, bitch we're coming" I walked out to see him on FaceTime with Abbie and walked into frame. 

"Hey, pretty girl! We're leaving right now" I followed behind Carson and looked back at his brother who was standing in the kitchen looking in our fridge. I shut the door and wrapped my arm around Carson's shoulder while we walked to his car. 

Meeting up at the cafe, we looked at the menu and finally ordered. We decided to go to the mall afterwards and then maybe go clubbing tonight. We talked until Carson got a call and excused himself outside. I started eating my bagel and was giggling with Abs when he finally walked back in. 

"Is it alright with you two if my brother joins us for clubbing? He always wants to party" 

"Well you two do have something in common" I said shocked and gently nudged Carson while he rolled his eyes in response. 

"We don't look related at ALL" Carson laughed and we continued on eating and gossiping. We headed over to the mall and went in to our usual stores where Carson got a sex game card box and I shook my head. 

"You're bringing home a guy tonight?" He shrugged as we checked out and then continued to another store. 

"Maybe, I don't know yet" Me and Abbie shared a look knowing damn well that 'I don't know yet' means more than likely. Good thing I drink and blackout and then pass out, so I don't have to listen to them all night. We finally stopped shopping out of self control and departed ways. Carson and I headed home to put our stuff away, do adult things, and then get ready to party. We managed to carry all our stuff in one trip and walked in to see his brother shirtless in the kitchen. 

"Skyler, where is your shirt?" Carson scolded and I made eye contact with said Skyler before looking down and awkwardly walking away. I felt my cheeks getting hot and took a couple deep breaths in my room. I was only used to shirtless gay men in our apartment and none were attractive. I started putting my makeup away and Carson sat on my bed. 

"Which one should I wear?" I held up two dresses and Carson chose the first.  

"Also, get in the shower so you can do your hair beauty queen" I laughed and he handed me two towels and I kissed his cheek

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"Also, get in the shower so you can do your hair beauty queen" I laughed and he handed me two towels and I kissed his cheek. I started walking into the bathroom when Skyler walked past me towards Carson. I started my shower and made it quick so I had time to manage my hair. 

"Babes, can I come in?" Carson asked and I said yes. I had him zip up the dress for me and he happily clapped his hands. 

"Look good?" 

"Like a boss bitch" I curled my last piece of hair and we were finally ready to go clubbing. 

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