Chapter One

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A/N: this is my first fic, so if it's bad, tell me

"His name is Han Jisung," his father spoke, passing the files over to Minho. Minho reached over and started flipping through the files, looking through the personal information and details first, but once he turned a page, he gasped as he saw the picture of the man. 

"Isn't this that famous Kpop idol? Like, the Han Jisung that all the girls and guys swoon over? Like, the Han Jisung that won more than a hundred awards and is on the Most Beautiful Faces of the Year?" Minho wheezed, pointing at the image.

His father rolls his eyes, clearly not the response he was expecting. "Yes, but he is also the Han Jisung, son of one of the most powerful and secretive gangs in South Korea. One of our strongest enemies."

"What are you saying?" Minho asks suspiciously, carefully setting down the files.

"I'm saying that we must stop them from taking over. And the easiest way to do that is to start with their son," his father folded his hands on the table, smirking evilly. Minho knew immediately what was coming as soon as those words were spoken.

"Are you going to make me kill him?" Minho asked, raising his eyebrows, sitting up slightly.

"How else are we going to take over their gang if not killing him?" His father asked, leaning forward in his chair, waiting for a response.

"Because, you know, this is a famous star we're talking about. If I kill him, obviously people are going to wonder what happened."

"Well, if people don't know that you did it, you're not going to be in any trouble. You'll be completely fine," his father shrugged, as if he was swatting off a harmless fly.

"You couldn't have asked any of the other agents to do it?" Minho whined, the corners of his lips turning down.

"All the other agents are out on their own missions. Besides, you could use this mission to redeem yourself."

He sighed, admitting defeat. "Alright then, what's the plan?"

His father smirked, satisfied. "I've found out that there's a bodyguard job opening for him today. You're going to apply, and when you're selected, I expect you get close to him, and then when the time is right, you're going to strike down and kill him. Once you've completed that task, leave the rest up to me and my crew."

"What if I fail?" Minho wondered, nervously clasping his hands together.

"You know what'll happen," his father responded, coldness spitting from his mouth. "You have one month to complete this mission. Do you remember your rule?"

Minho sighed, and nodded. "Don't get too attached to your targets." 

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