This is just the beginning...

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It was a cold winter night and it was snowing.Bill and I were sitting in the snowed woods, suddenly I felt Bill's arm around my shoulders and he hugged me tightly,when he let go of me I felt a cold breath on the back of my neck,I was so scared I didn't dare to turn around.Bill notice the fear on my face,he asked me if everything is alright I told him about the breathing,and then he slowly turned his head.

And there he was.A tall creature was bent over me looking at the back of my head,it felt like it wasn't really there.Bill screamed and pulled me into his arms and then we tried to run away from it but it grabbed my foot and stabbed it,I screamed at the top of my lungs for help but nothing and then I fainted.I woke up in Bill's arm trying to wake me up by shaking me gently when I got up on my feet I was feeling kind of dizzy.I asked him where did this creature go and he said that he run into the woods,but before it left it said something that made me shiver from fear,it said that this was just the beginning and that it'll come back for me Bill said.

My  inside life with Bill Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now