How to Get an 'A'

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It was official. Stacey was going to fail. She had never failed a class before let alone an entire year but here she was. She scanned down the results list once more. 'F', 'E', 'E', 'C' and 'D'. At least she had managed a 'C'. How was she going to get herself out of this?

She got up and went over to her bedroom mirror and stared at herself, thinking of a plan. She stood there, looking into her deep brown eyes. It was too late to study, even if she really applied herself. Maybe she could ask her professor for help? He wasn't exactly likely to just bump up her grades though. But maybe there was another way...?

Stacey remembered what her mother told her, all those years ago: 'Play to your strengths. Use what you've been given to solve your problems'. But what did she have available to solve this problem? Her eyes drifted down her body and an idea popped into her head. It was wild and it was absurd but maybe it would work; she should use her body to get what she wanted.

After all, she had large, firm tits, a curvy body and a big ass. Why shouldn't she use it to get what she wanted? She pushed her tits together and held them up, examining how they looked in the mirror. Maybe if she wore a push-up bra, one that was slightly too small she'd have more luck. She quickly got undressed and put on her best push-up. Her big breasts were close to spilling over the top. It might not be comfortable but hopefully she wouldn't be wearing it for long.

Stacey added a white button up blouse and a mini-skirt but no panties. She made sure to leave the top buttons of her blouse undone, revealing a deep cleavage. People would probably think she was a hooker, but it didn't matter if she got a good grade. She quickly put on some makeup, ensuring she used her reddest lipstick, a small squirt of perfume and went back to the mirror and put her hair up into a neat ponytail. If this didn't work, nothing would.

As Stacey walked across campus to Professor Cox's office she noticed a lot of people staring and pointing at her. Normally this would make her uncomfortable but today it gave her a much needed confidence boost. There was a little spring in her step that made her boobs jiggle and bounce more than usual. It was definitely a good thing as she would need all the help she could get.

She reached Professor Cox's office and stopped outside. There was still time to turn back. She could still go back and think of another plan. But there was no other plan, no other way. Nervously, she knocked on the door. Her heart pounded in her chest as she waited.

"Enter!" came Professor Cox's deep voice. Stacey opened the door and walked in, shutting the door tightly behind her.

"Hello Professor Cox," Stacey said in a voice she hoped was sexy and enticing. If it was, Professor Cox didn't appear moved.

"Ah Stacey, I haven't seen you in here before. I'd hoped you'd drop in though. Please sit down."

"Why did you hope I'd come by Professor?" Stacey asked as she sat down.

"You've not been performing as well as expected on your assignments Stacey," Professor Cox replied.

"Well, that's actually why I am here Professor. I was wondering if you could help me?" Stacey asked, squeezing her arms together gently and pushing her tits up. She saw the Professor's eyes dart down slightly but they quickly returned to match Stacey's gaze.

"How much have you been studying? I've noticed you've not been taking as many notes in lectures as you perhaps could," Professor Cox said.

"I've been struggling with my studies. Perhaps you could give me some personal sessions?" Stacey asked, squeezing tighter still. The buttons on her blouse strained to contain her. She subtly pulled the bottom of her blouse and leaned forward slightly, exposing a deep cleavage between her firm breasts. Professor Cox's eyes lingered on her cleavage a little longer than last time.

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