Prologue- Oh fr? On god? Just like that.

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You woke up, you were sitting down on the grass. But where were you? You raised your head groggily, looking up to see the Sakura leaves of the tree that you had been leaning on. Looking around further you realized that you were in front of a school.... A very familiar... scho-!

You know where you are. Your eyes widened as all of your memories came rushing back to you. You're in that shitty ass game that your friend gave you.

It had been a mystery game with no label that he bought at a garage sale last week. He didn't actually play it tho, as soon as he put it in his console he said it looked like "that bitchless anime bullshit you like" so he gave it to you.

You on the other hand... you just remember putting it in the console... but why are you here...? You shakily began to stand up, placing your hands on the tree to keep your balance. Looking down you realized that you were wearing a Japanese school uniform, accompanied by a weirdly skimpy skirt. You winced at the sight, but at least your legs were shaved. You also noticed a school bag by your feet. A loud shriek then pulled you from your thoughts, looking up to see what it was. Your eyes landed on one of the female students that was scurrying over to the front of the school with a group of other girls following close behind her.

Maybe the bell rang? Well you were already wearing the uniform and had a bag full of school supplies. You didn't want to look like a weirdo... so you grabbed the bag by your feet and began walking towards the school entrance. As you got closer you noticed a group of girls in a big crowd, but they weren't going inside the school...

         "Is there a dead bird or something...?"
You wanted to see what all the commotion was. After squeezing your way through the crowd while mouthing multiple apologies to the girls you came in contact with your eyes landing on a boy in the middle of the crowd sitting on a bench in front of the school.

His eyes were blue and he had a head full of flowing orange hair. It also seemed like he was... sparkling...? He had been focused on the girl talking in front of him until he suddenly made direct eye contact with you. Wait were you staring? You had a crazy look on your face like you were inspecting him, he probably thinks you're a creep, a weirdo. What the hell are you doing here? You quickly avert your eyes to avoid the awkwardness and slowly scurried out from the crowd to begin making your way back to the schools entrance. You looked behind you to see him now side eying in your direction instead of full on staring, still creepy tho...

You do look out of place though so I guess that's fair. But the way he looked at you... you could sense a hint of... malice? Why should you care though💀 you have bigger things to worry about at the moment. Like what classes you were going to go to and why??? You had no reason to attend any of these classes, and this school was big as shit! Oh well, until you can figure out what's going on you have no choice but to play along... I guess.

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