Blocked VIII

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A/N: I apologize if the updates are getting slower. It's getting harder to come up with ideas. Anyway enjoy!


Kim and Yumi are seen outside in the woods, taking in the scenery as they haven't seen the sunlight for how long.

Yumi: It's so beautiful.

Kim: I thought the sun never shine in this nightmarish hellhole.

Yumi: It is rather strange, but I'm not complai- YOU'RE BLEEDING!

Yumi points at Kim's leg and she had a big open cut.

Kim: HUH!? How did this happen!? It can't be from that crazy nurse we were running from. I didn't feel anything!

Yumi: It has to be. What else could cause a cut that deep? We need to treat this now!

Kim: With what exactly? We have nothing to fix this.

She was right. They had nothing to treat their injuries, nor do they have the means to defend themselves. Yumi looks around frantically and she spots a house all lit up.

Yumi: Look down there a house, and it looks like someone's living there. They can help us.

Kim: Oh sure, a house in a middle of a woods. What could possi-

Yumi quickly covers her mouth.


This surprised Kim because she never heard her swear or get angry.

Yumi: I-I-I'm sorry Kim, but that sentence alone is a disaster waiting to happen. I seen this happen too many times on movies, TV shows, video games, and even books & novels. And I'm sure you did too.

Kim: Alright, alright, I get it. I didn't mean to jinx us. Let's just be cautious and see if they can help us.

Yumi nods in agreement, and they both make their way towards the house. As they approach, they notice that the house seems well-maintained despite its location in a middle of the woods. The windows are clean, and the garden is neatly trimmed.

Yumi: Whoever lives here must really take care of this place.

Kim: Yeah, let's just hope they're friendly.

They slowly approach the front door and Yumi hesitates before knocking.

Kim: What's wrong?

Yumi: I... I have a bad feeling about this.

Kim: It's okay, Yumi. We'll be careful. We need help, and this might be our only chance.

Yumi takes a deep breath and finally knocks on the door. To their surprise, the door creaks open, revealing a dimly lit hallway.

Yumi: Hello? Is anyone here? We need help!

There was no response, but they hear hear footsteps coming from somewhere inside the house. Suddenly, a warm, friendly voice echoes through the hallways.

Voice: Oh, dear! You must be the poor souls I've heard about in the woods. Come in, come in! I'll help you.

Reliveved, Kim and Yumi enter the house. They find an elderly woman, smiling kindly at them. Her name is Agnes, and she offers them food, water, and medical supplies to treat Kim's wound. While Yumi is cleaning and bandaging Kim's leg. Agnes tells them about the woods and the creatures that lurk within.

Agnes: You must be careful out there. The woods are not safe, especially at night. I've seen things... terrible things that you wouldn't believe.

Yumi: We've already had a run-in with a crazy nurse. We barely escaped.

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