Family Day

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"I am so happy to spend 5 days in my warehouse so I spend my Saturday outside in a field." Said Todd with his 6" foot 4 inch dark thin frame reaching out towards the sun with a basket in his large dark hands, as his family swirling around him like worker bees among the small green plants looking for the tiny red treasures.

"You sit at a desk." His wife Toni said bending down picking a strawberry after inspecting it closely and then moving to put in one of the baskets Todd held, "If I didn't pick an activity where you walked, your legs would go on strike and walk away on their own."

Todd grimaced , "I do walk back there to make sure the guys are filling orders right, and why do I have to be here after putting in my 40?"

"Well these 3 little short humans", continued Toni, "Would like to know their dad, it was nice you were there when all 3 were born but I would like you to also see them before they graduate high school, it may help when you write checks for college."

"Who said I was paying for anything after they were 18? And when did you get 3?" said Todd

"Very funny Dad." Said Xavier, his youngest, "You are kidding right?" looking at his father with a little concern. Has he put 3 strawberries in Todd's basket?

"Grace and Luna!" said Toni loudly to Xavier's older sisters, "I swear if you have been picking on your brother and telling him stories again all your electric do-dads will be off for the weekend and you will be forced to color like you're in kindergarten again!"

"Another fun weekend with my family" said Todd looking at the strawberries in the basket and then across the field at the other fathers also with their families, all same look according to Todd, 'why am I here?' He loved his family and was happy to find a partner in Toni 17 years ago at college. She is pretty and smart and most importantly his mom liked her, why do we have family time right before his Baseball game on channel 4.

Looking out on the field on Golden Pheasant Family Farm Todd noticed a man that looked familiar, first thing that stuck out was in a field of Dads in different shorts and jeans all with different colored polos (Todd was in blue jeans and a red polo) except for one guy in a suit with a suit with a tie, an Asian guy, wait is that?

"Hey X," Todd said to his son, "Hold this basket for Dad will you, I think I see somebody I know."

Todd walked over to the guy in the suit, "Roger?"

"Todd? Todd Grover, funny to see you here?" Roger held out his hand and Todd shook it.

"I am sorry to bother you, I didn't know you even had kids?" said Todd to Roger, an older Asian man, holding the same type of basket that Todd had about a few moments ago,

"It ok these are actually my grandkids, my wife saw or read or found that strawberries in the oven are supposed to taste like candy" Roger leaned over to Todd's ear, "I think it is crap, but rather than just go to the store to get strawberries or actually candy, she said let take our grandkids down to the farm so I get pretend to be a worker and ignore my business degree, except instead of getting paid, I am paying them."

"I was just thinking the same thing, is that why the suit?" Todd said pointing him

"Yes, you found me out. I am protesting. I actually have a chess tournament today for my chess club", said Roger, waving to what appeared to be his wife and 2 small boys. Guess those are the grandkids. , "We meet twice a month during the week and try to play at other clubs once a month, the suit makes me look intimidating while I play."

"I remember playing chess with my Dad, " said Todd waving now at his family, "I didn't know you play , but then we are in different departments at work."

"Yes, I love playing it is nice to think about something else." said Roger looking at his family waiving him to come on, "Listen if your wife doesn't have a honey do list for you we met usually thursdays and always looking for new people, stop by my desk and I give you the info, "He started to walk, "See you at work either way." he waived and walked towards his family.

Todd stood there, staring into space across the field , at families, picking and gathering. He wasn't staring though, he was thinking, his Father, Joseph, a good man, an editor at a newspaper, he used to complain about reporters that they needed crayons instead of pens for the way they wrote. But he did make time for him and his sister, chess not so much, more of a monopoly player so both him and his sister could share dad. Mom worked in retail so she was hardly off but dad, he was able to make all the time.

He remembered their 3 bedroom apartment in brooklyn, they had 1 plant that he watered even day up until he was 8 years old, because his older sister told him too, when he was 8 he found out it was plastic. Damn, Susan (his sister) was and still is a brat, but now with his wife and 3 kids 5 years ago they got their nice house and grass.

"Hey space cadet," Toni was right next to him holding one of the baskets. Todd snapped out of it, "I have been calling you, Luna needs the restroom, and she is too good for the porta potty."

"It is undignified, " said Luna, straightening her pink dress with matching pink crocs and a pink bow.

"Well there isn't much I can do about that, "said Todd, "unless you want me to finish my big gulp."

"Dad, " said Luna

"Mom you were kidding when you said Boys don't stop being nasty they just get bigger" said Grace with a matching dress crocs and bow but in yellow.

"You told her that," said Todd, taking the basket from his wife.

"You aren't exactly proving me wrong." said Toni,"But I already have a solution. I saw a restaurant as we drove in called The "Fried Apple "that has the best Buffalo Hot dogs and Duck Tacos in the county. And it appears to have an inside bathroom for the Princess, so if you pay for the fruits of our labor, I will buy lunch."

"Do I have to eat a Duck Taco?" said Todd walking towards the main building of the farm

"Where is your sense of adventure Dad? " said Xavier looking up at his father with smile

"Ok we order one of each, I take a bite of buffalo and I will try Duck." said Todd, "I am trying to remember do you play chess , X?"

"I do daddy!" said Luna

"Really? " said Todd

"She was trying to impress a boy" said Grace

"Impress a boy, "Toni said, raising an eyebrow, "what boy?"

"I wasn't trying to impress him, just put him in his place, said Luna, "He said a movie we watched in school about a girl playing chess was made up because no girl could even beat a boy in chess, so I watched some videos and beat him in 10 moves, sent him crying to his momma."

Toni and Todd looked at each other, Toni smiled, but Todd had his mouth opened. , "Well if any of you have time I have been invited to play I need practice."

All 3 kids smiled, as Todd put the basket of strawberries on the counter next to the cashier in the building, "Hey babe, " He said to his wife, "you ever hear of putting strawberries in the oven, supposed to taste like candy."

She looked at her husband and smiled, "Do you get a strawberry book between here and the field ? because I think if I did see something, I would have to look it up."

"No need, Mrs and and Mr, " said the old woman behind the register , " I know what the gentlemen is speaking about. You put the Strawberries in the oven for 2 hours at 200 degrees, tastes better licorice." and handed Todd his change,

"Thank you." said Todd and kissed his wife on the cheek

"Ok really what happened between the field and the building, " said Toni, "because I came with a grumpy husband, but now I leaving with a guy who want to try a Buffalo Hot dog and to asking to spend time with his kids,"

"Maybe I want to find out more about this boy since our daughters didn't tell you?"

Toni opened her mouth and crossed her arms, but Todd only smiled, maybe family day isn't so bad after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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