Getting competitive

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You and Hunter would have some little duel with weapons of your choice (Obviously Hunter would use his dagger). You wouldn't hurt each other, but you'd practice and Hunter would end up getting very competitive with you since he would want to show off his skills. 

Tech would challenge you to a game of dejarik. He would complain that the only time the game would be hard was when he was playing by himself. He would act very confident and would spend minutes taking each turn to strategize, only to by beaten in the end when you would outsmart him. 

Echo would get competitive over something silly like cooking. He would come up with a game where each of you would make a dish and would get annoyed (but would secretly be happy) when your food tasted better than his. 

Weight lifting. He would brag about his super strength for a while but would taken by surprise when you could lift a very similar amount to him. He would actually be really happy because he wouldn't be the only one having to lift all the heavy things around the ship. 

Crosshair would get competitive over long-range shooting skills. He would challenge you to see who could shoot the most precise on the target. He would have a smug look on his face every time he'd hand you his sniper rifle but eventually would get mad that your score was getting close to his.

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