Chapter 3

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Mali Koa

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Mali Koa

Mali Koa had decided to come and surprise her brother in his new town and get to know the man that her brother had not stopped talking to her about, Michael. But little did she know what was waiting for her as she was coming to town....

Meanwhile Michael had called a secret meeting with his closest "soldiers", his "Wild Boys". They were only ever summoned when there was major shit happening. "Well as you all know Calum is dead but now his body has gone from the mortuary. And doc thinks that it was stolen. There was already suspicious circumstances surrounding his death, as if we have a rogue vampire on the loose and if so the council will come soon to investigate this. Which we don't want, because we know what will happen if there is a rogue vampire loose. We don't want that do we?..." Michael asked."NO, SIR!" they shouted in unison. "Ok, so here's the plan...."Michael said.



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Meanwhile, Luke had a difficult night at club Wildflower as Brandi was not very helpful or even impressed by Luke, trying to run the club as she thought Calum was the only one who could run the club and as his second in command she should have the right to run the business. So Luke decided that he would go to talk to Brandi before the club opened up that evening. But as he was passing club Teeth he saw the 'Wild boys' enter and he knew that Michael had called a meeting, most probably to find Calum's killer. Little did he know how big the situation had gotten...

So as he entered club Wildflower where he saw Brandi and she was obviously pissed to see Luke again. "Why may I ask are you here, again?!" she snapped at him. Luke just frowned at her for a minute and then said: " I told you last night babe, I will be managing the club until further notice." " You, I will not let you have my job. Calum put me in charge. Nobody else!" Brandi snapped again. "Oh sorry for you, but unfortunately Michael owns this club and he just let Calum run it for him. And now that Calum  is gone I was put in charge." Luke smirked. "Well let's go see Michael then and I will tell him that I have to run the club." Brandi said with a stern voice. "Just shut up you Bitch!Michael put me in charge and he is a very busy man today plus he will not listen to you!" Luke screamed at Brandi. Just then both Sierra and Crystal entered the room as they were looking for answers. "Hi guys, we would like to ask you some questions about Calum." Sierra said. "Sure you guys can talk to me in the office." Luke replied. "We actually want to talk to Brandi first as she worked closely with Calum and will most likely have more of an idea as to whom would want Calum dead." Crystal said. Just as Crystal was talking Mali Koa walked into the club and heard everything. "Why are you guys talking about my brother dying or being dead?!" Mali Koa questioned shocked. "Um, hi. What do you mean your brother?" Luke asked. As he didn't know Calum had a sister. "My name is Mali Koa and I am Calum's older sister. Where is he? This is his club, or at least partly his. And where can I find Michael? He is dating my brother." Mali said. Luke was about to let her down easy with the truth but then Sierra jumped in and said: "You know let's first get Michael here and then we can answer any of your questions." "B-but we can't contact Michael now as he is super busy." Luke tried to save the situation. "He will come if I phone." Crystal said. All of them just looked at her super shocked.... What is going to happen now?

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