Different day, Different way

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Today was finally the day, what was happening today? Well, today was finally the day you would leave. You would leave everything, your job, your house, your "family". Working everyday since the age of 14, saving up until college. only to work even more. You have always love Egypt even since you were a little kid. So it was only natural for you to get a degree in it. You ended up being lucky enough to graduate at the top of the class. Unluckily for you, the only jobs that tend to work for degrees in Egyptology are curators, and professors.


The alarm rang deafeningly in my ears. I sprang up and slammed my hand onto the top, shutting it up. My body lifted up sluggishly and I rubbed my tired eyes. After a while I drug my feet and slumped into the bathroom. I used the facilities and washed up some. I walked back into the small apartment bedroom and changed into some nice comfortable clothing. I went into the kitchen and put on some coffee and breakfast. All I wanted for breakfast were some simple frozen waffles. I stuck them in the toaster and sipped my coffee in the meantime. After I got all of my breakfast situated I scrolled through my phone and ate quickly. Even though today was not a scheduled day for any of my shifts, I always liked to keep my mornings free in any event. I sighed and washed my dishes then left them to dry. I slid onto my old worn two seater couch and turned on my TV. I flipped through the channels and settled on a news one. My volume was far to low for me to hear, but in big bold on the headlines it stated, "BREAKING NEWS, A GROUP OF FIVE LOCAL TOURISTS LOST IN EGYPT." I scanned the words and quickly turned my volume up, the news reported on the left was crying. Well, crying was an overstatement, more like soft big tears rolled down her cheek every while. She had a soft, warm brown skin tone with long wavy black hair. They rambled on about last locations and posts, then they showed pictures and names of the missing people. I stared at the people and one caught my eye. He had that same dark hair and deep eyes as the reporter, only his skin a couple shades lighter, they must have been related. I looked at the names once again. Ben Katcher, 35, Angel Katcher, 32, Jamison Smith, 23, Samantha Gibson, 26, and finally James Sanchez. The brother of the reporter. I frowned a little, even if I didn't know the people personally I always felt sad when people were lost or hurt. Thats how my day continued to go on, watching documentaries and scrolling my phone. Soon the day became evening and I caught on only by the sound of my grumbling stomach. I looked at the time and sat up. "Holy shit!" I said "It's 7:30?!" I looked out the windows to see the soft sunset going under the city skyline. I then looked back at the kitchen and sighed. "I really don't want to make food or do dishes." I thought, my stomach yelled at the idea of my just ignoring it. I opened a food delivery app and scrolled my options. My eyes caught on a meal of fried rice, I clicked on it and set my order. I put my phone down and sighed. I went and poured myself a glass of water, only 5 more minutes I promised myself. I was rather tired of sitting all day and stood the remainder of the time. I eyes shot open again when a sharp knock cane from my door. I smiled and quickly rushed to my door, I opened the door and there it was. I scooped my food up happily and looked to see the person to thank them. When I looked up there was nobody. "That's weird" I thought, this hallway's far to long for someone to get away in at least four seconds. I shrugged and locked my door. I sat down excited to finally dig in. I opened the package and, " Oh?" There was a hand written note, I opened it curiously. "Y/N, I hope you enjoy, you have to remember to eat. You're lucky I cared enough." I stared at it blankly. I live on the fourth floor, I set the note down at look at the food. It was a dish of lamb with some red soup of sorts and bread. I looked at it so confused. Just as I was about to smell it another knock came from outside, this times I was a little more cautious. I opened the door just a sliver and saw a man with a bag. "Hi! Order for Y/N." He said chirpily. I reached out and took it. "Thank you, but uh, did you see anyone else who dropped food off here?" I asked somewhat shaken by the event. He shook his head "Um, no ma'am, I'm sorry..." I smiled back and nodded "Alright thank you. Have a good one. He nodded as I closed the door and slid the lock into its place. I checked the food, this one was what I ordered. I looked at both foods, and set my order down and picked the other one up. I thought for a few more seconds and tossed in into the garbage. "That's a hell no from me" I muttered, I sat down and ate my rice happily, making sure my stomach was satisfied as well. I looked at the time, it was now 8 PM. I sighed and threw my trash away, I walked to the bathroom once more and washed my body from the stagnant filth of being lazy and waddled into bed.

My eyes sprung open and I stretched up. I looked around to find the time, but there was an old wooden side table instead of my glass table. I sat up in surprise and looked around, only to find myself in a room with sandstone walls. In fact it was all sandstone, the ceilings and floor were as well. My eyes scanned down to the beautifully woven bed I was laying on. I shot up from the bed and looked around the room frantically and found myself becoming dizzy. While in my daze I heard a thunderous voice boom. "Y/N, how dare you throw my food away as if it were trash. Fortunately for you, I'll give you another chance, I understand that you may not know. Your family never explained to you, they pushed you away like garbage. But I'll never do that to you Y/N." I whipped around trying to find the voice, yet could never. "E-Explain what?" I said shakily. The voice giggled coldly, "Don't worry my sweet queen, you'll find your dues soon. There is a reason for all. Have faith in I." My brows furrowed in desperation trying to reason though his words. My brain started to turn fuzzy once more and I clutched my head. The voice continued to talk, but it felt as if wading through wet concrete. The fresh words in my memory started to distort and I started to see memories that weren't my own. Things I wish to have never seen. Peasants getting killed by pharaoh, and unjust cruelties. The secrets of the world and universe clashing and colliding. Only to get wiped and forgotten once more. Finally it all stoped, everything did. My movements and memories, my senses and my mind felt empty. Only two words rang in my head followed by sharp knocking "Wake up" knock knock knock "Wake up" Knock. Knock. Knock. Finally after what felt like a minute of the torture I shot out of my bed, I gasped a deep breath of fresh cold air. My eyes had been leaking, and I was shaking on the floor. I stumble from my room to get get water. I reach my kitchen and guzzle down water faster than light. I turn to my front door and stare at it, trying to piece my dream into one. Then I hear it once more. Knocking at my door.

A/N- It's :) Do you like it, at least so far?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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