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Her fingers strummed the harp's strings gently, drawing out sweet Melodies as her eyes closed

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Her fingers strummed the harp's strings gently, drawing out sweet Melodies as her eyes closed. The gentle breeze brushing against her,swaying the strands of her hair in the air.

The sounds of her harp brought a certain peace to the cold mountain where she was seated on a rock beneath the branches of a sandbearer tree, with orange leaves that matched the sunset, infront of a flowing river that glistened.

It was peaceful silence, only accompanied by the sound of her harp., an almost alluring sound.

A rustle was heard nearby, and her ears perked up, but her hands continued to play the music as her eyes fluttered open.

Normally, she would brush it off as an animal, but this sound was different- this was a person.
It was not hard to differentiate between them.

The sounds of  Footsteps approaching followed by heavy breathing made her stop, and she turned her head to the source, the sight catching her by surprise.

A man with skin as pale as the moon and red piercing eyes, long hair that fell infront of his eyes and faded to red stood a few feet away from her. He was covered In blood from head to toe, and she noticed the fresh blood dripping from the sword he held at his side.

He expected her to start screaming, panicking and spluttering out random words at the sight of him, running as if she could get away- and if it came to it, he would kill her. Instead, she remained in her place, calm and not bothered as she flashed him a small smile.

"You're here to clean up?" She spoke with such a carefree tone- as if she was talking with a normal person that she happened to come across, and not a man covered in blood from head to toe with bloodlust in his eyes.

The man didn't answer, his eyes stayed on her as he was glued to his spot. She took his silent as a yes and shrugged, dragging her gaze away.
"You're not the first one to clean up here, I've seen many people come here."

But he isn't here to clean up..

Why is he here?


Thats right, he followed the sound of the music.

"Are you not afraid?" He suddenly asked. She smiled again, raising her hands to the strings once again.

"Do you want me to be afraid?"

why did he come here?

He strayed from the mission, this is the first time it has happened. But he couldn't help himself as the sound of her harp lured him in.

He was almost amused as she kept her composure, watching her fingers brush against the harp strings, drawing out the delightful Melodies again.

He stood still, Watching her play the instrument with little to no care that she was in the presence of a murderer. He stayed, and listened.

A few minutes went by, and she stopped. She glanced at the darkening sky and stood up from her seat. The harp disappeared into thin air, leaving a few sparkles behind.

"It seems the sun has set.." she muttered to herself, she turned away and began leaving. Sparing him one last glance, she began. "Thanks for listening..?" There was a hint of hesitation in her voice.

The man stood still, and she took notice of the blood beginning to dry on him.

If he is not here to clean up, what is he here for?

"It was lovely having an audience for a change." She giggled, turning away once again.
He watched as she faded away from his view, and he released a breath he didnt know he was holding.

He adverted his gaze to where she was seated, a silence taking over. It felt cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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