Some summer fun is how it started

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Notes: This takes place in the summer while no one has school. Willow is camping with her dad's, Luz and amity are visiting carmilla in the human world then will be visiting Alador splitting both a month with each, gus and hunter are spending the summer together since hunter technically lives with gus.
P.S. They are having a mini camping trip of their own right now just for a night, though, to see how it goes.

And ik this ship no one really likes since the age gap is 4 years so I changed it to 2 Gus is 14 in this and Hunter is 16

P.s no hate please I want peaceful comments.


Gus and Hunter were relaxing after a hard day of training, Gus with his illusion magic, and Hunter with a metal pole so he didn't rely too much on magic to fight. They've been at it for about 2 almost 3 hours now and Gus was getting exhausted. Not having trained his illusion magic this much before was putting a toll on him.

Hunter, seeing Gus was getting pretty tired decided it was due time to stop for the day. They were a decent way away from Gus's house where Hunter was staying since he didn't have anywhere else to go. Hunter grabbed the travel bag they had filled with supplies and food. They went to find a cave for the night in case it ended up raining. They were looking for a decent cave that was big enough for them and a campfire so they stayed warm throughout the night.

While they were walking, Gus decided to ask
Hunter a question.


Yes gus?

Do you.. like anyone?

Hunter, startled by the question, tripped catching himself before he hit face first in the ground.

Gus yelped shocked from hunter falling quickly grabbed his hand helping him up not noticing the faint hue of blush painting across hunter face.

Thanks, Hunter said.

No problem, Gus replied, still holding Hunter's hand.

Both notice their holding hands.

Gus quickly let's go apologizing.

Both continue walking in silence.

Hunter was the one to break the silence that had befallen them.

To answer your question from earlier.. I do like someone.

Gus, hearing this immediately stopping in his tracks, grabbed Hunter by the shoulder, turned him around and shouted Who! While shaking hunter like a ragdoll.

After getting over the revelation to hunter , liking someone, Gus stopped shaking him and calmly this time asked.

Who is it?

Hunter, blushing enough for gus to see, was nervously playing with his hands.

Gus saw how nervous Hunter was.


Give me 3 details about said person and I'll take a guess and you have to say yes or no.

Hunter nodded.

Sure that sounds easier.

Gus starts asking the questions he's already crossed out  multiple people. Like Luz, amity, Willow, due to Hunter shaking his head. So he asked a new question to narrow his search down farther since hunter could like anyone.

Is it a boy or a girl?

Hunter froze at the question. Quickly getting over it. It's a boy he nervously said.

Some summer fun was how it started Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now