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In this oneshot Y/N and Rhea are dating and Y/N is scared of thunderstorms. The picture is the hoodie mentioned later!

Y/N pov
Rhea had just gotten out of the shower when thunder shook the room. I jump at it being scared of thunderstorms. I hoped and praying that it would be quick and short as I did not want Rhea to see my freak out. We were just starting to get to know each other and I dont want her thinking I am a freak. "Y/N you okay" her voice broke me from my thoughts. "Yeah just fine why" I let go of the blanket i pretty much had a death grip on. "I dont know you looked like you were gonna cry for a minute" she was still staring at me when I laughed. "Hey do you know how long the storm will ho on for" I ask thinking this might throw her off. "Yeah it is meant to go on all night and into most of tomorrow, why" she questioned me again? I dont think it threw her off any. With the way she is looking at me it just told her why I had the death grip on the blanket. "No reason" I apparently said this too quickly because once that left my mouth she seemed to know what was going on. Rhea walked over and picked me up, "hey! Rhea put me down. Now" I clung to her nervous of being dropped as I already hurt from work today. I wrestled Zelina Vega today. I did win but still she throws some good punches. Another loud crack came from the sky and I buried my head into Rhea. She chuckled at this probably thinking I am pathetic. "You still want me to put you down" she had put me in her bed then walked back to mine a grabbed the blanket I so dearly need right now. Once in reach of me I grabbed it and clung to it like my life depended on it. I whined for Rhea to get in bed and she complied to it. I did not care how pathetic I looked as long as she was holding me. Several loud cracks came from the sky. Rhea had turned on music to try and drowned it out. It didn't really work, I knew this was gonna be a long night. Rhea's hands went up my shirt and rubbed circles on my back. I whimpered into her chest tears threatening to spill out of my green orbs. Rhea just pulled my close and told me everything would be okay. Rhea promised to protect me, promised nothing would hurt me. That she would always be here. That she wouldn't leave and I would be safe. I trusted her, her voice was to kind, too soft not to be true. The storm continued for hours. She held my the whole time, telling me I would be okay and I was safe. When it finally past it was morning. Rhea had stayed up with me all night, letting me crying into her. "You wanna go show baby girl, I'll get out stuff packed up" rhea's voice was soft and clam. I nod still with my face to her chest. She gentle moves me to an up right position and I move away from her slightly. Another boom came from the sky above us. I whimpered and clung to her again, rhea just rubbed my back. "You stay here I will go get the bathroom set up so you can show how about that baby" I nod again feeling defenseless and tired. I also felt bad that I kept her up all night and like magic she knew what I was think "I dont mind staying up with you ever." With that she walks to the bathroom to start the shower. When she came back out she grabbed her phone and reached her hand out for me. I took it and stood very unsteady. She brought me to the bathroom where she placed her phone down and handed me a fluffy towel and a bag for my dirty clothes. "Thank you" my voice came out uneven but in that moment I have never been more grateful for another person in my life. "Of course" her voice was noticeably stronger than mine. She left me to shower and when I stepped in the warm water relaxed all my muscles. I knew I was safe with her around. I soaped my hair then my body, washed my face. Once I stepped put I went right to my bag to find my french vanilla body lotion. I put that on my body and dried my hair. I then yelled to rhea "rhea can you grab me my black leggings and my bear hoodie please" the towel was still wrapping tightly around my but I was becoming increasingly aware of how cold our room was. "Yep" she said back she dug around for a bit the then slowly moved the door her hand came in with what I had asked for as well as some of my fluffy socks. "Is everything I grabbed okay" she said once I had taken it from her hands. "Perfect" I said once dressed stepping out from the bathroom. I was in all of my comfort clothes and with someone who I knew would keep me safe. "Thank you rhea" i wrapped my arms around her. "Anytime, you ready for the bus ride to Hollywood baby" rhea had a smile on her face when I looked up to her. "Yes definitely ready to be the Raws women's champion, you ready to be the smackdowns women's champion" a smile crossed my face to. "Hell yea" she giggled as she said it. "Thank you for last night Rhe truly it means a lot" I broke the silence. "Anytime there is a thunderstorm call me, I will stay with you for the night, promise" she patted my he as and went to the door with our bags. "Ready to go darling, I know I'm ready to crush everyone. What about you?" I giggled and nodded as we left the hotel to go to the buses. Though thunderstorms scare my half to death I knew I would have a knew buddy to come hangout with me when they were happening.

This kinda sucks sorry! Have a great day or night. My requests are open!
Words 1081

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