❤︎︎ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 ❤︎︎

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I move round in my bed for a moment before checking the time, "1:00". I fell asleep.

With my hair down..

I get up and walk to the bathroom to fix my hair a then decide I'm just gonna shower. I put on my favorite playlist and start to undress myself getting ready to get in.


After the shower I started brushing my hair and putting products in. After styling I got dressed and did my skincare and mascara. I had always felt insecure without mascara. Even though I still sometimes didn't have it on i all ways had mascara on me.

My mom walks in and tells me where leaving in 10 minutes and I get my shoes on grab my bag and go to the front room and sit on the couch with my phone in my hands. I wait on the couch until my mom walks out with her bag and keys.

We go to the car and then to zoups. Walking into the place we got in line and slowly got to the front desk. I placed my order and as my mom placed hers I sat down at a free table waiting for her.

While I waited I opened instagram and scrolled through my feed. Mostly just the people I follow and stuff. Most of my friends were at the beach or some carnival some of them were at a concert and I was just eating food with my mom. Not that I was mad, I love going out places and being able to wear pretty clothes and stuff. I just wanna be doing something outside of town.

I scrolled and scrolled and when my mom sat down she opened her phone as well. We waited for our food in silence until my mom got some text message.

"Oh my gosh.." my mom mumbles looking down at her phone. "What? Did something happen?" I Ask obviously concerned. She shakes her head no and starts typing.

"Remember Rio?" I nod looking slightly annoyed. "She invited us to a little get together on Saturday" i quietly sigh in annoyance and shove any mad feelings out of the way and nod. "Do you wanna go?" My mom asks and I start to feel guilty of how I reacted. "Yeah I'll go" I say with a small smile. "Are you sure?" I nod and our name gets called. My mom gets up to grab our food and I continue to feel like shit and completely guilty.

My mom was happy to go. I honestly need to shut the actual fuck up and deal with it.

As my mom came back with our food I complained tucked away and harsh or shitty feelings I had and sat up a little better.

We ate for a while and talked until there was nothing we could talk about. Well, nothing I could tell my mom without getting yelled at.

On the way home the car was basically silent other then the radio. I put in my headphones and started my playlist. Looking at the same trees I normally passed on my walks, the same streets and houses. The streets filled with people walking around and stuff.

As we walked into the apartment i took off my shoes and went to my room. Passing by my mirror i was again met with small imperfections that could be fixed, I was fixing them.

Laying on the bed I looked at my room and the white candles, vines, my little lamp, my radio and CDs, the small box that sat under my dresser.

I groan and turn around trying to quickly quiet any urges that ran through my body. I was getting better. Not worse. I can't get any worse. It's only up from the point I'm at. I have to get better. I have to.

I hid my face in my arms and covered my ears. I can't relapse. It's not a option. Never will be. Never should have. I grab my phone and turn on music only to be met with mitski's songs. I groan louder and turn the music off, obviously in distress.

I get up and put my shoes back on "I'm going for a walk!" I shout before shutting the door and walking down the stairs and outside. I took back alleyways and just walked around until I felt I was far enough from anyone I knew. I sat down in a corner and looked around me. I'm in a totally shit area. "Mother fucker!" I say, my voice wobbly and loud.

Small tears swell up in my eyes as I look up trying to push them down. I grab onto extra fabric of my pants slightly pinching myself on accident. I get up and walk around wiping any small tear that fell from my eyes every once in while. Soon I realize that I'm lost and the tears pile up and fall as I stand there feeling like a hopeless and lost puppy.

I feel my pockets and look for my phone. I left it at home to charge. I'm gonna die out here. I hear a loud as bang behind me and quickly turn around to someone standing over me.

Putting my hands up trying my best to show I'm literally defenseless. They look down at me and then rest a arm on my shoulder. "What are you doing out here?" I feel a hand reach up and wipe my eyes. I look at them and slowly make out features. Miles? His hoodie was zipped but looked oddly familiar. His boots look familiar too.

I shrug and step back, now wiping my own eyes. "I'm leaving" I start to walk away before he follows. "Your finna get lost" I ignore him and continue to walk away. "Y/n!" I turn around at the guy with a defeated look. "Let me walk you at least back to our part of town" i sigh loudly and nod "fine"

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