First Meet.

93 4 7

His ear buds fond their way to Sollux's ears as he drowns out the loud bickering of his parents-probably fighting over money-and stared blankly at his computer screen.


He's never heard of this user,the message just...popped out of no where.

-apocalypseArisen started to pester twinArmageddons-

AA: s0llux.
TA: who ii2 thii2?
AA: y0u w0nt kn0w me
TA: well no 2hiit.
AA: y0ur guardians have st0pped yelling
TA: how do you know that?
AA: I'm in y0ur r00m
TA: what? Where? II don't 2ee you.

You suppress a shudder as you feel your shoulder go ice cold.

AA: d0 y0u feel that
AA: d0 y0u feel the coldness
AA: that's my hand.
TA: oh 2o you're a gho2t? That's AWESOME!
TA: yeah,no,that'2 bull2hiit.
AA: I am a gh0st
TA: I call bull2hit,dont ever pe2ter me again.

-twinArmageddons has creased pestering apocalypseArisen-
-twinArmageddons has blocked apocalypseArisen-

God you hate internet trolls.

A small sigh escaped past your lips as you took out your earbuds,all he could hear was silence....then a vase breaking.

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