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Setting: In Scras apartment after Ky confessed to lying to Scra the whole time.

Scra fell to his knees and is crying while holding Ky's arm in a death grip.

Scra: "It was all a lie, wasn't it?" He asks in a quiet voice, not looking at Ky.

Ky: "Yes. Everything."

Scra: "NO! It wasn't a lie. It couldn't be a lie." He says, crying even harder and somehow holding Ky even stronger than before. Ky has tears in his eyes while he confirms again that he was lying to Scra about everything. Everything.

Scra: "Every look. Every word. Every touch. You were lying to me about everything?"

Ky: "How much do I have to tell you? YES! I AM A LIER, SCRA. I LIED TO YOU ABOUT EVERYTHING. EVERY DAMN THING." He says, wiping away his tears and looking Scra in the eyes. He needs to be strong. He has to be strong. He needs to get away from here, from him, so he can figure out what The Croaking is, and save his sister. He needs to be strong for Sc- his sister, Keelee. It was all for Keelee.

Ky: "Let me go now." He says emotionlessly.

Scra, now silently sobbing, lets him go without any more struggle. Ky leaves and flies to the cliff where he first met Scra, and starts to sob. He cries so hard and so much that he has to lie down and take a nap afterwards.

"All for Keelee." His mind whispered again and again. Over and over.

He will forever miss and long for Scra, and a chance at forgiveness, but he will never get it. He will rescue his sister, with the help of Tiraa, and he and his sister will disappear.

Scra will move on, after looking for Ky for a few years, and find a loving husband and do many extraordinary things for the Corvid community. He will always wonder what could have been, but he is happy with his life. He will grow old, die with his husband, and be buried next to him. He will be remembered as the Corvid savior and Peacemaker. He helped give rights to everyone, including hybrids, so someone like Keelee could be just like any other Avian. So someone like him could be anyone, not just a crow.

"Look past their feathers." He said, "And look at character. Get to know the person. Not the feathers."

Ky watched that speech live. In the very back row. Wearing the jacket Scra had given him years and years ago. He cheered for Scra as loud as he could. And walked out the door without another glance. He knew what he did. He knew he didn't deserve another chance. But he still sought out Scra. He never spoke to him. Just watched from a safe distance and cheered whenever he could. Ky never fell in love again, and spent his last days lying in a hammock on the beach. He died in that same jacket, with three glow in the dark stars in the pockets. Those stars had lost their glow years ago. But he could never throw them away.

Keelee grew into a strong woman and met Tiraa again. They had a beautiful reunion. Tiraa and Cyrus were married, with 3 little hybrid babies, all with red eyes. Cyrus says it's a "strong gene," he's grown to be a pretty funny person and dad, constantly telling stories about his old Murder days. Keelee met a beautiful and wonderful woman. They got married with Cyrus, Tiraa, and Ky cheering, crying, and laughing the loudest. They adopted 2 chimeras and lived happily ever after. They died a few years apart and were buried next to each other. 

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