The 4 Clans

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                                                                                                                      chapter 1
                                                                                                                  morning time.

               as soon as the time hit 6:00am, leo woke up in his bed, the birds were chirping, the window was open for fresh air. and he loved being outside! "oh, i guess the windows open, should i go outside before he wakes up..?" Leo whispered. but as soon as he said that, that crusty tiny old dog woke up! it ran outside of the dog door before he even gave leo a chance. but that's not good! how would leo get out without getting caught and put inside? they expected him to be an indoor cat. he had no choice but to sneak.. but when he got ready to jump out, he got hungry, and he saw his bowl filled with fresh cat food, it was bland and gross, but why should leo care? it was all for the sake of his own hunger, Leo sighed and ate it, but he took a while to eat, it was bored of this bland stuff, the texture was weird, then he finally finished, but he drank a bit of water, he slipped his ugly pink collar off, and was ready

                                                                                                                      chapter 2,
                                                                                                                 into the clouds.

"now, how am i gonna pass buster? he's an old barker, if i make one step i'm done for! they'll close the windows and throw me inside, but i could still use the dog door, at least we have that bird flapping curtain! at least i've filled my idea!.

"now, how am i gonna pass buster? he's an old barker, if i make one step i'm done for! they'll close the windows and throw me inside, but i could still use the dog door, at least we have that bird flapping curtain! at least i've filled my idea!

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Leo jumped out of the window, he jumped on the tree, then out the fence, he ran away hoping he won't get caught, soon after awhile he made it into the forest. but he saw his enemy, staring at him.. it was Raven.. the cloud cat who loved one tree, Leo saw another cat, it was one with wings! it was an air cat, he thought they were all enemy's, not lovers.. he sighed. "you seem to sense me coming into the forest, i don't get it! it's like you know i'm coming into it, and you sit there with your boyfriend. you gay fudge!" he yelled those words to raven. "IM NON-BINARY, ITS NOT FUDGE ITS FU-" raven tried to tell, but got interrupted by Leo."woah woah woah, don't say no bad words! you silly cat, their not meant to be said!"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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