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SoundCloud playlist name: hauntingly beautiful

I hate this. I hate him.

I looked at him and he looked at me,

"Is there a problem princess?"



He smirked that  annoying little smirk of his

Alvaro? I looked away from him rolling my eyes

Yes Aite?

Will you ever stop being so ennuyeux? (Annoying)

Come on that's not fair, you know I don't speak French Aite he whined like a puppy

How about you go study it then I rolled my eyes about you give me some private lessons? he said it teasingly

"How, plus I have a date"

"A date? Who?"

No one too important he's just a college guy i met the other day and he asked me out I smiled softly.
"And because of this date you have to leave so I can get ready"

"Wait bu-"

No but's, out I pushed him out of my room

"I guess it's time to get ready"


I looked at myself in the mirror, I decided to wear something simple just some jean shorts that were a little shorter then expected and a warm sweater I had just bought with big letters on it spelling out mischief

I grabbed my mini backpack and phone and headed down stairs. I automatically made eye contact with Alvaro then my brother

"Yo sis"

Yes? I turned around to look at my brother longish straight hair and small freckles across his face he was my twin

Do you need a ride? He looked away when he spoke to me, blank staring the tv

I was ganna walk but sure.


I looked around at the restaurant I do admit it was fancy and probably expensive surprising choice for a college boy, I was definitely underdressed.

I went up to the worker and quickly got escorted to the corner of the restaurant with my date already waiting.

"Ah what took you so long, I know it definitely wasn't getting ready he joked
I nervously laughed it off "I'm joking I'm joking, you look great"

Thank you, you look good yourself I tried brushing off this awkward feeling i had

I know right he said cheekily

ηλίθιος I sighed (idiot in Greek)

"Hi I'll be your waitress how may I take your order" he was cut off by the waitress with a squeaky voice

She was looking at him, not even showing the slightest bit of interest in my existence and he wasn't helping, staring at her with stupides yeux de chiot désespérés no masculinity in him
(Stupid desperate puppy eyes)

I rolled my eyes and excused myself to the bathroom, I then pulled out my phone and automatically dialed my brothers number and let it ring

"Come on, come on"

Beep beep beep

Nothing I sighed I tried a few more times and still no answer, I looked through my contacts

Mom and dad are out of the country, brothers busy, friends are at a party I finally reached the bottom of my contacts, the person I least want to talk too and worse ask a favor from


I hesitantly dialed his number and let it ring a few times



Aite? Why are you calling me? I thought you were on a date
his voice was rough even over the phone it sent me chills

I know but I need help-

Someone walks in

I hang up and send him my location, after taking one final look at myself I go back to my 'date'

Five mins later and my order gets taken and I'm now waiting on my food, I try making small talk but it's mostly a one sided conversation with himself

I suddenly heard a door slam open and I look past the date to see a tall figure in a motorcycle helmet walking straight towards me

The man puts a helmet on me and flips up his visor,

The sea, those unforgettable sea green eyes

He looked deep into my eyes with a angrily look but the smallest amount of softness but just the smallest

"Hey what the hell dude, that's me date"

He laughs a sarcastic laugh

"Not anymore"

I was suddenly picked up bridal style and carried out to the parking lot, he placed me down on his bike while he hovered over me

Hmm what am I going to do with you he looked down at me, his words gave me butterflies but angry butterflies

"As much as I am thankful I still hate you and don't forget it"

He looked at me then placed a hand over his heart nice hands "ouch"

I rolled my eyes

"You may still hate me but you owe me now so be careful doll"

Whatever I rolled my eyes again

He sat on his bike when I got off, "get on"

I sat behind him and hesitatingly put my hands on his waist

"Of your going to ride with me princessa your ganna have to hold on tighter, when that got no reaction out of you he roared his engine and to his luck you jumped and wrapped your arms around him tighter


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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