Chapter one

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P.O.V. of Jade

"Jade Hatake wake up it's the day you get to find out your team!!!" my older brother says while he shakes me awake. I roll over moaning.

"Kakashi, five more minutes." I say trying to get more sleep. Then my brother pushes me off my bed which makes me land hard on the ground. "Really?!"

"You're going to be late little sister, better hurry and get ready." He says walking out of my room. I sigh and stand up while searching for my clothes. I grab a black outfit and put it on as I walk to my bathroom to brush my long White hair; I put on my new leaf village headband and smile. "Jade! Kiba is here to walk you to school," my brother yells up the stairs. I roll my eyes while putting my make up on.

"He can wait two more minutes," I yell back. Finally I finish and run down the stairs almost tripping. I look at Kiba who laughs a little when he notices me almost eat it.

"Hey Jade, ready to meet your team?" he asks me as Akamaru jumps into my arms. I nod my head.

"Bye Kakashi," I say as Kiba and I walk out the door.

"Do you think you will be on his team?" Kiba asks when we are about half way to the academy.

I shrug and say, "I hope not. It might be weird with my older brother as my sensei."

"Well he isn't your real brother," Kiba says while holding the door to our class room.

"So what, he raised me since I can remember  ." I say looking down.

"Sorry I didn't mean to bring it up." Kiba says as he walks over to his desk. I look up and notice that there isn't that many empty chairs left. I walk over to the first one I see, which is next to Sasuke Uchiha. I sit down next to him trying not to look at him, but I can feel him glaring at me. Does he thing I am a Fan girl like....

"SASUKE IS MINE BILLBOARD BROW!!!" I hear a yell from the door. Oh no. I see Ino and Sakura trying to push their way through the door at the same time. I look over at Sasuke and see him sweat drop and face palm. I laugh a little at him which makes him look at me again. I look away not knowing what to do. Then out of nowhere I hear a scream and look over and see Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke kissing.

"What the hell did I miss," I say loud enough for both of the guys to hear me which makes them blush and pull away glaring at each other. I sigh, thinking about how these boys are idiots; I look over a Kiba who is laughing at me because I have to sit between Naruto and Sasuke. I roll my eyes. Finally Iruka-Sensei walks into the room and says "Ok everyone settle down. Today I will be giving you your teams." I listen to Iruka-Sensei tell the teams.

"Team 7, Jade Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki..."

"YESSS I HAVE JADE ON MY TEAM!" Naruto yells, which makes both Iruka-sensei and I glare at him.

"Sakura Haruno," when Iruka-Sensei says this Naruto cheers again and Sakura pouts which makes me laugh a little. "Naruto if you interrupt me one more time I will make you sit outside. This team has four members the last member is Sasuke Uchiha." Now it was Sakura's turn to cheer and Naruto's to pout. I roll my eyes and look over at Sasuke; he gives me a sad look. In return I give him a concerned look. Iruka-Sensei tells us the other teams. "ok you will meet your team leaders after lunch, class dismissed." Everyone stands up and rushes to the door to go outside, other than Sasuke and I. I decided to try to talk to him.

"Are you ok Sasuke?" I ask as I stand up looking at him.

"Hmm? Yeah it's just... Our team. Both Naruto and Sakura. I think I will go crazy." He says standing up walking with me to the playground area.

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