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Namjoon opened his eyes as sunlight hits him through the window.

he squinted his eyes and about to roll back until he felt something moving between his arms.

Why the pillow is moving?

he opened his eyes and met with  something wrapped in duvet curled into his warmth.

he peeked behind that only to find the pillow lying flat on floor, like it was kicked.

He was registering the new but comfortable environment when the burrito of duvet moved again and a small sweet voice came from that, "Joonie? You awake?"

Namjoon lowers his vision towards the sound just to get blessed with the most beautiful face looking at him with doe eyes and pouty lips and realization hits him.

He is lying on his bed with his boyfriend, the love of his life, the best human being on earth, Kim Seokjin wrapped in covers in his arms.

A sudden rush of happiness rushed into him as his face became brighter than the sunlight, "Morning Jinnie" he smiled and kissed Jin's nose lightly.

Jin giggled cutely and Namjoon cooed, pinching his puffy cheeks.

Jin tried to do the same but wrapped in the duvet and Namjoon's hand he failed to wiggle out.

"Joonie let me out" he whined.

"No", Namjoon smirked and caged him between his arms.

Jin pouted and Namjoon couldn't stop himself from placing a quick kiss on the plush lips.

Jin's eyes widen at the sudden action, he tried to free his arms and Joon let him.

he pulled Namjoon into another kiss, "Morning Joonie, so is that how we waking up now? Mmm?"

Namjoon laughed, "Yes. Thank you for agreeing to move in with me Jin, my days will be beautiful since I get to see an angel every morning."

"Too Cheesy" Jin giggled, "Go, get up or you planning to stay here all day?"

"Stay here all day cudding my baby" and he pulled Jin into his embrace, both lying down.

"Best way to spend an off day." He nuzzled into Jin's neck closing his eyes.

Jin laughed while ruffling Joon's hair and closed his eyes too, giving into the warm embrace of his beloved boyfriend.

A/N: This book is going to be random Namjin scenario like this I imagine. sorry for any grammartical mistakes in advance. 🥲

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