Take My Lips (You Leave Me Tongue Tied)

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1Title from: Alone Together by Quadeca. Click the arrow above for the moodboard!

30k words, 3rd Person from Suzaki's (Yuta) POV

Relationships: Suzaki/Amagai 

SummaryRyo will die the only person left on Amagai's side, even though he's the one who's the most hurt. Ryo would give up his entire life if Amagai required that of him, he'd do anything for Amagai if he was asked.

Ryo will always give up everything; his comfort, his position, his money, for Amagai. He never sees the benefits of his work, but it doesn't matter because it means that Amagai will stay with him, and he needs that more than anything else

It doesn't matter that Amagai degrades him, insults him, hits him, uses him for sex. Nothing Amagai could do to him could make him change his mind, and no amount of times that Tsukasa pleads with him to leave will convince him to.

Ryo is Amagai's toy to use until he dies or becomes useless, and he takes his position willingly.

Warnings: unhealthy relationships, angst, hurt/comfort, unhappy ending, childhood friends, pinin, top amagai kohei, bottom suzaki ryo, verbal/physical/sexual abuse, rape/non-con elements, suzaki needs a hug, manipulation, gaslighting, friends with benefits (the friends part is debatable), tsukasa tries to be a voice of reason, explicit sexual content, one or two slur usages, revenge porn, bullying, rough oral sex, rough anal sex, one-sided attraction, post-canon, canon-typical violence, blood, fighting, first time blow jobs, financial issues, suzaki's parents kinda suck, unconditional love, amagai assault suzaki but he's in denial, amagai and suzaki are basically in an abusive relationship.

Note: Last year, Yuta got an acting gig in the high&low movie as Ryo Suzaki, the right hand fighter of his ex best friend turned asshole boss, Amagai Kohei. He's so hot in it you guys ACK— His plot centres around his undying love for Amagai. The movie plot is about members of different schools who physically fight to be the top school inside of their district, SWORD, and Ryo is Amagai's fighter (and one of the best in the district) they are the villains of the story too! It's technically about yuta since he's the guy playing suzaki! 

i dont think you needed to have seen the movie to understand this oneshot (just know that fuijo and tsukasa are fighters from a rival school who are technically the "good guys")


Ryo knows that Amagai does not care about him.

Amagai has not cared about him since they were young boys and Amagai would stand up for him when he was bullied.

But Ryo cares about Amagai so much.

He was so infatuated with Amagai that he was willing to abandon his position at the top of Nami high school at the drop of a hat when his father announced Amagai was transferring to Senomon, giving up his position of power in order to start all over with Amagai.

To become Amagai's "right-hand man."

Amagai was mean to him, no doubt. But Ryo always had a soft spot for Amagai. He'd let Amagai treat him awfully just because it was him. Anyone else, Ryo would hurt them, but Amagai...he'd never say anything.

He walks Amagai to his car and stands there as he gets inside, Ryo's father as his chauffeur. He watches Amagai leave to return to their place at Senomon. He'll take the bus to the stop nearest Senomon, and walk the rest of the way. That is, if he has enough change to do so.

Sometimes he walks the whole way, even exhausted from the fights he's been in; even when it's raining and it drenches his uniform.

He'll return to Senomon at least thirty minutes, if not an hour or more after Amagai. Amagai, sitting on the couch, looks at his dripping wet body and chuckles.

The Taste of Solitude| Nakamoto Yuta OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz