Chapter one

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My name is Kyler/Kaitlyn. I am a genderfluid mixed teenager. It was just a normal day in June before I was taken to a hospital. It turned from a talk to my therapist, to a trip to the hospital.

I had told my therapist that I was having thoughts about ending my own life, then next thing I knew I was taken to the hospital where I was checked every couple of seconds. Life in this hospital is a pain.

I keep thinking about calling it quits and ending it all, but I have my art tablet to keep me company. It's the only thing that brings me joy in this hell we call life. It's the device that helped me make my first real friend. She was never truly living, but she's alive in my head. Her name, is Princess Kaitlyn.

Little did any of these doctors know, I sneaked in a little pill with me. This small pill should be my free pass to the sweet relief of the afterlife. I grabbed the glass of water the nurse gave me from the desk near me. I threw the pill into my mouth and took a big chug of water. I felt the pill rush down my throat, then I layed back in my hospital bed, waiting to be released into heaven.

As I closed my eyes, I felt a tingly feeling rush through my body. I could tell the pill was already working it's magic. I waited patiently for my breathing to come to a stop.

I stayed in bed for at least a few hours, but I wasn't dead. I stared at the ceiling, trying to be patient for my fate to come. However, my heart kept beating.

I got so tired of waiting that I layed down for a nap. However, instead of a normal dream, it was just pitch black. I was so confused. I normally have a dream every night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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