Best Friends To Lovers

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Astrid had expected many things when she entered the party. But seeing her boyfriend smooching with some other girl was not one of them.

She and Eret had been together for over a year and a couple months now. He was the captain of the school rugby team, while she had been part of the Gymnastic club.

While their relationship was somewhat rocky, Astrid had never thought that her partner would be unfaithful to her, but she couldn't exactly find herself to be surprised either. There were rumors regarding Eret, rumors she had chosen to ignore, but now she knew that all those rumors were true.

Eret finally noticed her presence after he pulled away from the girl, and made an attempt to de-escalate the situation, but it ended with him receiving a hard slap across his face.

"We're through!" Astrid venomously spat as she spun around and began to walk out of there.

"I wouldn't have done that if you had been a good girlfriend and slept with me, you bitch!" She heard Eret yell, but she didn't care anymore.

Walking out of the party, she walked as far away as she could from the building. The evening was supposed to be a fun one with her spending time with her friends and boyfriend at the party, but instead it all went to hell.

Reaching a suitable place to stop for a while, Astrid pulled out her phone, and called the only person she could think of at the moment.

"Hello?" The voice of Hiccup rang from the other side.

Hiccup was the son of Stoick Haddock, a famous buisness man, and Hiccup himself was an entrepreneur, working in the company to gain experience so that he will be all ready to take over his father's place when he would retire.

He and Astrid were childhood bestfriends. She even had feelings for him, but believing he was not interested in her in that way and he only saw her as a friend, Astrid had decided to get together with Eret.

"Hiccup…" Astrid spoke.

"Astrid? Hey! How's the party?"

"Um, Hiccup, can you pick me up from somewhere?"

"Wha- wait didn't you go to the party?"

"I did, but something happened. And I'd rather not talk about it over the phone. So, can you pick me up?"

"Yeah, sure. Just tell me where you are."

Once informing Hiccup about her location, he once again reassured her that he's coming for her before ending the call. Astrid smiled a bit at that. That was Hiccup. No matter what, she could always rely on him. Now, only if she had the courage to tell him how she truly felt about him.

Astrid waited for a while, watching as the cars zoomed along the road, and the pedestrian walking. About 15 minutes later, she heard the noise of a vehicle, and looking up, she found a familiar 2011 dodge challenger coming towards her direction. The car stopped in a screeching halt in front of her, and out it came Hiccup Haddock.

His lean frame was dressed in a red t-shirt and black jeans, which went perfectly with his messy auburn hair and green eyes.

"Astrid! I came here as fast as I could. You are okay right? No harm done?"

And there he was, being his cute overprotective self.

"I'm fine, Hiccup. Let's just get out of here." She replied.

"Yeah, let's go." He agreed.

They were about to leave when suddenly someone called out,"Astrid!" Astrid had to hold herself back from groaning as they turned back to see Eret stomping over towards them.

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