Chapter One: The Game

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She couldn't breathe.

That was the first thought that burst through the all consuming panic flooding through her.

She couldn't breathe.

If she couldn't breathe, she wouldn't be able to calm down. If she couldn't calm down, her already rapidly beating heart would only speed up. If it sped up, it'd be harder to breathe.

If she couldn't breathe, she'd die.

Cupping her hands over the back of her neck, she drew in slow, gasping breaths. The world spun, pain shot through her chest as her lungs begged for air.


She knew the rules. Panicking thoughts only made it worse. Cut the thoughts off, then the panic would die. She'd be able to breathe. She wouldn't feel like she was dying. The attack would stop. No one died from a panic attack, she reminded herself. Stop the thoughts. It was simple- in theory.

A shaky laugh burst from her lips, pulling yet more of the much needed air from her lungs.

Everything was simple in theory.


There was a crash behind her. She barely noticed, still attempting to take a breath, her legs crushed against her chest as she drew herself into the smallest position she could. She only stiffened as a set of smaller arms tucked around her shoulders, drawing her against them. It took a full minute for the fact that a soft, feminine voice was speaking to actually register in her mind.

"-kay. Breathe with me. I'll count backwards, alright? Slowly. Match the numbers. Ten... nine..."

The feeling of her sister's chest moving against her back with the numbers suddenly shifted matters. Her thoughts focused on the numbers, releasing the panic over the lack of air to her lungs. Her breaths fell into step with the words, her hands loosening over the back of her neck.

"Good, see, you're fine. It's okay. I brought the bags in, so I'll shut the door now. I'm sorry I didn't warn you."

She simply nodded, squeezing her eyes shut as her sister dropped her arms and drew herself to her feet. Within moments the soft sound of feet against the wooden flooring met her ears and was followed by the soft click of the door falling shut. As her sister returned to her side, she simply swallowed, her dry throat urging her to pull herself up and move into the kitchen for the water bottle that had been her original destination upon emerging from her room. The way her entire body shook, however, dismissed the stray thought immediately. If she stood, her legs might give out. Than Imae would worry more than she already was.

Instead, she crouched there until the shaking stopped. Not once did her younger sister break the heavy silence that had consumed the hall. Imae simply waited, patiently, for it to pass. When it did, she simply watched as Rin released her hands from behind her neck and slowly drew herself up. Her pale, hazel eyes met Imae's for a split-second before she dropped her gaze and wrapped her arms over her chest. With a careful smile in place, Imae simply placed a gentle hand on Rin's shoulder, steering her towards the kitchen. The elder sister tensed, but did nothing to stop her.

"I brought pizza. I thought we might eat before we play. You charged your Nerve Gear, right? You're all ready to go?"

Rin nodded, her gaze still focused on the floor beneath her bare feet as Imae's light chatter washed over her ears without much attention being paid to the individual statements.

Would she make it through the meal without another attack? She should. She hadn't had more than an attack every two days recently. She'd be fine, wouldn't she? Would Imae be worried? What did Imae think about her having a meltdown just because the door had been open when she'd stepped into the hall. Did she think it was pathetic? Did sh-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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