Dear Diary📖

35 3 6

May 27th

Dear Diary,

It's me, Celia. —I know I haven't written here in a while but I have an excuse, the excuse that the grand city of Auradon has decided that they were going to host a wedding for the worst couple that has seen the light of day. Maleficent Bertha and Benjamin Florian have decided they are going to tie the knot and get married to everyone's surprise.

By surprise, I mean no one thought that they would make it out of high school, not even the first ACTUAL date. Hell, even Dizzy thought they weren't gonna make it. It's kinda weird that a whole nation that is so focused on education stops school for a whole two weeks just for some stupid wedding (not that im complaining school kinda sucks, but my point still stands)! For some odd reason, Mal and Ben gave me an invitation, even though I've told both of them to their faces that they're horrible. I guess they did it "out of the kindness of their hearts" or whatever those fake smiled people say. Honestly, I didn't even go, I needed to relax, spend time with my sisters, and study for this horrendous final exam.

Speaking of sisters, I now have two—yes, two! A few months ago, Freddie and Uma went to the Isle, and I guess my dad or Ursula said something, which later led them to tell Freddie and Uma that they were twins. This makes sense because they look the same, with some minor details that make them different but overall the same!

Anyways Diary, after Freddie, Uma, and I spent time together Freddie and I had a conversation with just the two of us. This conversation was long overdue since I and my sister have been separated for 2 years; Freddie wanted to talk to me about why she was gone for that long saying that she didn't have a choice and that "she wasn't going to attend because she's not that self-absorbed but instead some kinda figure persuaded her to stay" so that the  "story goes according to plan". She said that if she went back to the Isle my Dad and I would be in grave danger... So she decided that she was going to stay to protect me and my father. After that diary, I told her that it was OK and that I forgave her, but a part of what she said was intriguing because who in the world would tell her that!?

After my conversation with Freddie, some of my friends went out for lunch when something weird happened. Particles of Auradon's castle were disintegrating right before our eyes. I thought to myself Diary, "Is the magic vanishing or is it just the structure?". Though, I brushed it off. Even with that, it still lingered in my mind. "Why would magic disappear— Better yet, why would a castle that is over 100 years old start falling into pieces now?! Anyways Diary, I gotta get some sleep. I have to retake a Remedial Goodness exam to see if I can get out of that stupid class. Also Diary, something weird is going to happen I can feel it!

I'll write to you tomorrow Diary. From your favorite Voodoo Princess, Celia.

The Meeting With A New Friend

A nightmare is when your fear comes back to you in an extreme way. This was not that kind of nightmare but it was... In the beginning, it was the typical things that haunted Celia, such as Freddie leaving her, Audrey holding her captive and her mother disappearing. All of those things came back but only for a certain amount of time. What made the nightmare was Celia being somewhere she didn't know, it was colder than an arctic mountain, blacker than the night sky, and more haunting than the library at Dragon Hall.

Celia: Hello, Hello?

Camille: BOUNCE! This is not the place for you!

An unexpected voice yelled

Celia: Then what is this place..? And why am I here?

Camille: Oh! I did not see you there! Well, I should properly introduce myself. I'm Camilie, your friend on the other side.

Celia: My what!?

Yes, Celia had a friend on the other side. Of Course, she knew that it was coming, but not this soon... She had always imagined her friend, or shadow, but always felt that it wasn't meant to be. I mean why would she? She was born and raised on the Isle where there was no magic nor a way out. Or so she thought... Nevertheless, it was her friend on the other side. The one that is her other half, her companion, her only "true friend".

Celia: No, this can't be right... I thought ''friends on the other side'' were just fairytales.

Camilie: And why would you think that?

Celia: Probably because I was raised on an abandoned island with a barrier over it, with no magic or any connection to powers or abilities.

Camille:Fair, but I've always been with you.

Celia: How?

Camille: Well everyone has a shadow but you choose to embrace it.

Celia: Oh, I know.

Camille: See when you were born we were immediately connected and that is because I was chosen to be your shadow not to mention I know everything about you, your secrets, your fears, and regrets. I also know your emotions.

Celia: Oh, how fun said Celia sarcastically

Camille: The reason why I wasn't primarily there was because of .. you know...

Celia: Mhmm

Celia thought to herself for a second maybe this was her friend, maybe this was the person that'd tell her everything wrong and right in her life, maybe this shadow did know everything about her, maybe Camille would lead her to her mom. And everything that was circling in Celia's head became true piece by piece. But there was also a part of her that knew this "friend" was hiding something.

Celia: So is that what you want to tell me?

Camille: No, I just wanted to start a conversation. And how did you know?

Celia: I can sense when someone is hesitant, so get to talking or I will wake up at any moment.

Camille: Fine, I'll tell you why you're here. You're here because something is going to happen to your beloved kingdom. You will see red skies, nearly flooded castles, and wild beats and spirits torturing the kingdom piece by piece.

Celia: But why me?

Camille: Because you're special Celia and because this will lead you on a journey to discover secrets and something powerful. But when you find them make sure to be careful and use them to the best of your capacity. OH, and one more thing you'll also find Auradon's and that is the hardest.

Celia: One, why is Auradon the hardest regarding the finding of its secrets? Two, what if I don't want to do it? Three, what is so powerful that I need it? And Finally, can I tell someone?

Camille: Because Auradon doesn't tell the history of itself and you will find the reason why that is later. If you don't do it then everyone dies even you. I can't tell you that because of the powerful things you'll find in your journey. Lastly, telling anyone can be a risk and it's all up to you. Any more questions?

Celia: No but...

Camille: OK, bye-bye Celia!!! Hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa!! Good Luck! Camille said in a taunting voice.

Celia: WAIT!

Celia, couldn't even get a word out without her shadow sending her back to reality, and when she got back her whole perception of everyone and everything changed. For the whole night, she couldn't go to sleep. After what she just witnessed how was she going to get sleep?  I mean she realized that if she didn't save Auradon her whole world would be shattered and everything she ever loved would disappear.

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