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He comes home when I leave. Every day. We'd pass by each other, heads down without uttering a word, not as much as make eye contact. He holding the door for me as I rush to work in the mornings.

A very attractive man, in his thirties. I don't know his excuse, but I tend keep to myself. Perks of growing up in a very small family, mostly by myself. It was really easy to notice his beauty since we met every morning.

The everyday gesture was really touching. So it began with a single nod, and he reciprocated with a bashful smile. A silent conversation between two seemingly introverts.

Weeks later I decided, against my better judgement to mutter a small greeting 'Good morning.'

To which he muttered back 'Morning' in a deep breathy voice. As a civilized adult, I bit down my squeal and left for work.

A few more days flew by and we graduated from a simple greeting to appreciation.

'Good morning.' He says.

'Good morning' I repeat. 'Thank you ' I add as he holds the door.

'You're welcome' He would reply.

At this point, we were already more of acquaintances rather strangers. It felt nice to have a friend.

Making friends as an adult is awkward and a lot of work, only to find out that they are really bad and fake people to begin with, then you cut them out of your life, earning yourself one more enemy and one less friend.

I would have been content with this new status, but like every friendship, it blossomed, when he initiated an actual conversation one day.

'Good morning, thank you very much.' I smile.

'Morning, you're welcome.' He replies, 'How was your night?.'

I blacked out for a split second, not expecting the question, I thought it was like our every other day ordeal.

'It was nice, you?.' I ask finally managing what one would call eye contact with him for the first time and boy!, was he beautiful.

'Well, it would have been good, if I wasn't working all night.' He yawns.

'Oh, what do you do?.' I ask impulsively. The question had been on my mind since our first interaction.

'I'm a doctor.' He throws out like its random.

My jaw hits the floor. 'Wow, I guess that explains why we're always meeting like this.'

He smiles, his first real smile since I've met him. 'Yes it does. Have a nice day.'

I KILLED HIMTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang