Sekai Flaxter Chapter 1

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Childhood is a time when the majority of people look back on fondly, with good memories. But there tends to be one or two moments of sadness we remember. Lai Dollarton, though has a string of bad luck though as she tends to run into these sadder moments more often, and now, seems to be one of those moments.

Lai slumped down on the edge of the play structure sadly, watching the other children cheerfully play. It was her first year of schooling, and she never had any interaction with the outside world up until this point. The only person she ever really played with was her nanny and her twin sister, who was horribly sick that day.

She didn't bother to try and talk to the other children, she saw it as a pain as her parents always complained about how kids these days were disgusting, and Lai believed it too. Behind her were two kids playing. Maybe cowboys? Or pirates like in that anime it seemed every kid talked about? Whatever they were doing, it didn't matter to Lai, she didn't want no part in it.

That sentiment didn't last long, though. As she sure did care when she got hit on the head and knocked off the play structure. It all happened so fast, she had no time to grab onto the pole she sat next to or the edge even, like she was in a movie. She wasn't hurt too badly, thankfully, but she did feel as if someone was watching.

"Are you okay?" A boy, who Lai assumed was sitting under the slide, ran up to her. He looked nothing like Lai. The hair she could see from under his yellow hat was brown and almost fluffy, while her hair was black and curly. He had gray eyes, unlike her green eyes.

"I think..." Lai responded, not entirely certain.

"Are you sure? I can get the teacher?" The boy responded worriedly.

"Yes, I'm sure" She responded, starting to think of him as annoying.

"Alright, well that's good!" The boy said, with a bit more energy. "So, uhm, do you wanna be friends?" He asked sheepishly.

Lai was taken aback, just a minute ago she was weeping over how she had no friends, and now someone wants to be her friend due to an unfortunate incident? She didn't know how to respond for a second.

"S-sure!" She responded nervously.

The boy gasped in excitement. "Yay! I'm so happy!"

"But, we don't even know each other's names yet!" Lai said, nervously.

"Well then, my name is Daxter, it's wonderful to meet you Ms...?" Daxter said, mimicking that of a regal knight.

"Lai Dollarton."

"It's great to meet you, Lai!" Daxter playfully threw his arm around her shoulder. The second he did this, his teacher was calling their class back inside from recess. The two lowered their posture in sadness. "I know, how about tomorrow we have a playdate at your house! That way we can actually play, and for even longer than a school day!" Daxter said cheerfully.

"Alright, I guess. My sister was sick this morning so I don't know if they'd like having some random boy over." Lai explained.

"I promise, I have no germs! Germs are scared of me!" Daxter said boldly, he seemed to think of himself quite highly.

When Lai got home, she instantly ran to her mom to ask about Daxter coming over. Her mother seemed thrilled at the idea of not only her daughter having a friend, but having that friend come over. It made her happy to hear her daughter was starting to live a normal life. After the conversation she ran up to her and her sister's room. Lai's twin sister, Tae, lies in her bed with their nanny, Hoshi, sitting beside her watching a children's show with her. Tae seemed better than she was that morning.

"Welcome home, Lai! If you need anything, let me know. I'll be here with Tae since she's sick." Hoshi told Lai. She was an older woman, she wasn't old enough to be Lai and Tae's grandmother, but she definitely didn't look young.

"Hoshi! Hoshi!" Lai called out, after changing into her silk white pajamas.

"Yes, what is it, Lai?"
"I made a friend, and he's coming over tomorrow!"

"Well that's wonderful!

"He? Are you sure your boyfriend isn't coming over?" Tae teased.

Lai stared at Tae in an angry way. Tae and Lai didn't have much in common when it came to their personalities, but they sure did look alike. Sometimes their parents would get them mixed up with how similar they are. Hoshi, though, never seemed to make that mistake.

"Now Tae, be nice to your sister, you should be happy she made a friend! Maybe you'll even become friends with him tomorrow." Hoshi said, lovingly.

"Ew, I'll never be friends with a boy! Never, no way, nuh-uh! I'll never so much as talk to, or look at a boy!" Tae said, exaggerating her words.

"What about Dad? You always try to talk to him!" Lai said back.

"Well it doesn't count because he always says, 'I'm busy Tae, go back to your room' or 'Go play with your sister, Tae'." Tae said, complaining.

"Well he always talks to me, so I think I'm just his favorite." Lai said, mocking Tae.

Hoshi picked up Lai before the fight got any worse. "You two are always after each other, one day you'll realize how much you need each other."

"I'll never need her!" Tae cried out.

Lai and Tae were the definition of "sibling rivalry". Always being in some weird fictional competition against each other. It only caused tension in the house. And it didn't help that realistically, Lai was the favorite child. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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