An Alluring Figure

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Walking down the street of Kazaru, the young woman in grace was there. She was silent, like a bloomed tree. A tree that doesn't move, yet we can't come but to admire it. Her name was Charlotte. She saw the world around her, and she felt happy. Everyone around her was, what society considered, beautiful. Each individual, although unique, were the most precious self they could be. Charlotte though, was not.

She walked home, passing by the endless handsome men on her street and the fabulous woman happily and confidently striding and striking poses to be pleasing to the eye. Charlotte entered her house, where immediately, she was greeted by her mother. Her mother was a tall blonde woman with her flawless perfect face smiling back at her. She had fair skin with pearlescent orbs of eyes. She had ocean blue eyes. Then, out of the corner of a room came her father. He looked like an exact copy of her, only genderbent. Charlotte on the other hand had glazing wavy ginger hair that poured over her shoulders and her beaming green eyes. "Hi Charlotte, how was school?" her mother asked as she walked towards her approaching husband. Charlotte walked behind her "Oh it was good I guess. Just the usual class I have every morning" Her mother knew what class she was referring to immediately. Nowadays, schools only have one to two classes for every student. One was about beauty, the other was how to get a job as a fashion designer, make up artist, or work in a calm office [for those who couldn't design or be an artist]. "Oh, what did you learn about?" her mother asked as Charlotte saw her father grinning, waving to her. She waved back as she continued to talk in her soothing voice. "Well, it's quite odd really."
"How so?" her mother asked, curiously. "You see, our teacher was talking during the times before our beauty appliances units"

Her mother walked into the living room as Charlotte's father walked into the kitchen, preparing whatever meal she was going to have today. Her mother sat down comfortably in the brown cushioned chair and adjusted it to face her daughter. Charlotte sat in a similar chair as she slouched a bit. "Posture Charlotte! Posture is one of the keys to true beauty" she said. Charlotte fixed her posture. "Yes, there was a time before our beauty appliances units". Charlotte was intrigued and curious, so she asked, "What was it like?" Her mother  was silent for a moment as she frowned. "Oh, the world back then was horrible Charlotte" "Horrible how?" "Oh, well... the world back before our beauty appliance units were a thing, everyone was so obsessed with looking a certain way. Oh, people were discriminated against for everything about their appearance, upholding a perfect image which no one could achieve. There were controversies and a lot more shame than now. But we don't have that really let us bother us anymore" Charlotte's mother sighed and drank a cup of tea by the stool next to her. "Now, everyone is the perfect image that people upheld back then. I was just a simple girl really, but when they introduced the beauty appliance units, oh, everybody bought them. Nowadays, it just comes with the house. It really is a miracle really." Charlotte knew it was really a miracle machine. "Now, it's simple. If some people don't like your hair, then go change it in the machine. If someone doesn't like your eyes, well then go change it in the machine. If a stranger doesn't like your figure, then go inside the machine and change it. It's as simple as that" Charlotte felt excited, almost jumping out of her chair to go into the machine. Her mother felt her excitement but shook her head. "Not yet Charlotte. I know how desperately you want to change your look but you're not 16 yet" her mother frowned.

"I will be in four days!" said Charlotte loudly and excitedly. She knew but apparently, a person must be 16 or older to be able to use the Beauty Appliance Units. "Can you show me then at least, I just can't wait" Her mother laughed. "Oh I already showed you but if you insist. I am tired of this look anyways. But oh, does my husband look so handsome. Someday, you will have somebody" Charlotte shrugged, unconvinced. She would only be convinced after trying the device. Then, they walked out of the living room and went into a hallway. At the end, you would take a right where a large room laid. There, Charlotte laid her eyes upon the Beauty Appliance Unit. It was a hemispheric machine with tubes connecting to the walls. It had a silver trim with blue lights flashing. Near the entrance, there was a keyboard where one would type what they wanted. Below the keyboard, there is a slot where you would have to refill a lotion provided by the government for every use of the machine. Luckily, it was full and ready to use. Her mother inserted a command into the machine and with a hiss, the circular door opened as it hissed. She went inside as the machine pumped and its black tube pounded like a heartbeat. After a minute, she came out. Now, her mother, still retaining her perfect flawless skin and complexion, her hair was now a cinnamon brown with hazel eyes. She made herself a little smaller and her cheekbones were more pronounced. She smiled and a row of white shining teeth showed through her pink lips. Charlotte was excited, more so even than ever before. In about four long days, Charlotte would be the legal age to use the machine. Until then, Charlotte had to wait.

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