9.-'๑'-Luck. -'๑'-

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Angela's POV:

My eyes wonder around Astrid's house as she makes us breakfast.

"how did you sleep?" Katya asked me while reading the newspaper.

"Okay I guess." I replied, taking a bite of the sandwich Astrid made.
I was pretty pissed off of the actions Tom was making. How dare he keep his filthy lips so close to mine? I should be happy about that, but I'm not. I don't know what has got into me. One day I'm thinking about him like he is the only man in the world, and the next I'm calling him a disgusting pervert. I took another bite of my sandwich.

Astrid's house was pretty cozy.
I was just chilling on the sofa, scrolling up my phone until Katya came next to me.

"Hey there." Katya asked and crossed her arms as she sat next to me on the sofa.

I nodded in response.

"Maybe we should get a job? Or buy lottery tickets?" Katya asked. She pulls out a donut from the back.

"Where the fuck did that come from?" I ask raising an eyebrow. Katya smiles and bites on the donut.

"I guess we can try finding a job." I reply as I turn my gaze back at my phone.

"What about the lottery ticket?" Katya asks before almost choking on her donut. I laugh at her as she punches me on the arm. Her metal rings could be used as a weapon for sure.

"Don't be stupid Katya. You know there is 1 in a million chances we can actually get the 4 million dollar prize?" I scoffed.

"We can always try." Katya said. She stood up and got her bag. Is she actually going to try and win the prize? She can be so dumb sometimes.

I shook my head and kept scrolling on my phone.


Eventually the sun started to go down and rain dropping from the clouds.

Katya wasn't back yet and I got a little worried. She was my bestfriend after all and I wanted to keep her safe.

After a couple of minutes Katya came back all soaked up. She stormed into the house with 4 lottery tickets.

"Finally I'm back." Katya said and dropped everything down at the ground as she fell onto the sofa, panting.

"God, who was chasing you?" I chuckled and looked out the window.

"soo funny." she replied and rolled her eyes.
" I got the tickets!" she celebrated as I just looked away in a disappointed expression.

"Can we just try?" Katya cried. I guess its worth a try, right? The money is already spent anyways.

We each got 2 tickets ready to scratch off the silver. Astrid was too busy netting flowers in her room, so we could say it was just us, me and Katya.

"Okay, here goes nothing." I mumbled as we both scratched the first number of our cards. Then the second.. And then the third. No luck.

"I told you Katya, this gambling is just stupid." I scoffed and showed her my card.

"We have two more though? You are so easy to give up." Katya smiled and took the last two, handing one to me.

"so stupid." I murmured to myself and scratched the first silver circle. Then again, the second.

I took a deep breath before scratching the last one.

And I won nothing. I threw away the piece of paper and leaned back against the sofa. Astrid entered the living room where we were sitting. She looked at me and then at Katya.

"What is up with her?" Astrid asked me, looking at Katya.

I looked at her and saw her shocked face.

"What?" I asked Katya and leaned in to see the ticket.

"We have fucking won Angela!" Katya screamed and started jumping up and down.

"You have won what?" Astrid asked and came up to us. Her confused expression turned into shock. I couldn't believe my eyes too. We actually won 4 million dollars? We were freaking millionaires.

We cheered.
"congrats!" Astrid shouted and we all hugged.

"I'm definitely buying myself a new race car." Katya said.

"Count me in." I added. I've always dreamt of racing too, and I knew how because of Katya. She taught me everything I needed to know and I'm beyond grateful.

"You guys should buy a house too!" Astrid said. I nodded in excitement.

"You know what? We are buying a house next thing in the morning!" I shouted as Katya agreed and we all just hugged again. I cant believe we had Luck. I changed into my pj's and went to the guest room, where me and Katya are sleeping. We talked for a period of time and fell asleep after. Everything was going perfect. Our band members, our money, our luck. Everything was smooth. All I kept dreaming of was the future we will seek.

___836 words___


OMG! More people are checking out this story and I'm very happy about it! Thank you all<33

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