11.-'๑'-This Is Going To Be Fun. -'๑'-

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Angela's POV:

This mess was getting on my last nerve. At first we won the lottery and we were practically living our dream lives but then we are suddenly held hostage and held at gunpoint? Apart from all that I had to be chased my Tom too. This is insane!

This was frustrating and I couldn't keep my head straight.

Today I wanted to go take a walk trough the city again, alone cause Katya was to scared to leave the house. Even Isabella had plans with her family and Astrid had plans with her friends.

Katya didn't want me to go, but the weather was perfect and it's the only thing that could clear my head.

It was cloudy and the soft warm rain dropping from the clouds made it better. I loved weather like this. I took my gray zip-up hoodie and went out the door, locking it behind me.

The walk was comforting and it was unbelievably quiet... At first I thought nothing of it but then it got disturbing.
After some time I heard a car driving by behind me and I calmed down.

The car was getting closer and closer as I still kept looking forward, not turning around but then the car stopped beside me and the door opened. It happened so fast and I didn't have any time to react before someone grabbed me and dragged me into the car. As I fell into the seat, I hit my head into the car's ceiling and I passed out just as my body touched the cold seat.


I woke up all dizzy. My head was hurting from the hit. I felt a little bump there and It was so uncomfortable. But what was comfortable, was the bed I was laying in. My before clothes were all stacked up on the chair beside me and I was wearing a light grey shirt that was oversized but not like the oversized shirts i was wearing, it was a lot more bigger. I was still wearing my black shorts, and my black crop top that covered my bra.

I was confused. Why was I in someone's bed? Why was I dressed up in someone's else clothes? Had I been kidnapped?! My heart began racing as I stood up and Looked around the room. It had baby blue colored walls and a lot of posters along as a sofa, a balcony and some other small furniture. It was a pretty great room if I'm honest, but that didn't change the fact that I was kidnapped and I needed to get out of here right this moment. I grabbed my clothes and put on my white adidas as I left the room. I heard some laughing downstairs but I didn't pay attention to anything except the exist door. I didn't stay quiet. I ran straight to the door, I heard chairs falling and someone running in my direction. Before I could open the door, someone grabbed me by the waist. I remember the rough hands from somewhere and It hit me.

"You Bastard. How dare u kidnap me!" I screamed as I turned around and pushed Tom away from me but he didn't let go of my waist, nor he responded. He smiled with his eyes filled evilness.

"she's not a pussy." Georg appeared from behind Tom as he checked me out.

God why is every guy checking me out? I'm not al that.  

I felt rage in me, but I couldn't drop my eyes from Georg. Up close, he looked so fit and handsome. He noticed me staring and came closer. Tom noticed it too and he got upset.

"Bill is shouting for you." Tom mumbled. Bill hasn't said anything and I got confused just as Georg did.

"But-" Georg tried to finish but Tom gave him a terrifying look and Georg just went back to the Kitchen.

I was confused but I quickly understood. Tom was Jealous. He was jealous of Georg cause I was staring at him. 

My mind was full of bad plans and decisions but they were interrupted by Tom.

"Lets go to the kitchen." he said softly for the first time.

"Over my dead body I'm going somewhere with you." I grunted but he just smiled.

"Then you're dead I guess." His evil smile made me shiver in disgust.

"Fine." I grinned and shoved my clothes into his grip.

"Put my clothes nicely beside the bed. If you are planning on holding me in this shit hole, you got to treat me like a girl." I flipped my hair and walked past Tom as he stood there, humiliated.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down onto the nearest chair, leaning into it as Gustav gave me a soft smile. He looked cute, and I would consider him being my friend if he wasn't a jerk like Tom.

Bill just looked at me coldly and back to his toast. Georg smiled at me in a flirty way and in response I winked at him.

This is going to be fun.


___854 words___

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