Chapter I

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Laval looked around the temple as one of the lion elders gave his speech. It was the first time he had seen so many people inside the temple and they were all there to mourn the death of his father, most of them, anyway. Just as Laval looked back at the elder the lion announced Laval's speech and moved to the back, having his place taken over by Laval. Laval looked at the blue water inside the Chi pool and sighed.

"My father was the king of the lions for several decades. He has brought this tribe from just having a small time located just under Mount Cavora to having a large city under the same floating mountain. The entire time I knew him he had lead and taught me everything he knew,  which is why I am now ready to use that knowledge. I remember my coming of age ceremony, it wasn't very long ago. My father told me how I am becoming a great warrior and will lead the tribe some day. I guess that day is today." Laval stopped talking and looked at the pool once again. He couldn't handle looking at the people in the audience. The elders looked at him with concerned looks as he walked to the back.

After one of the elders announced the coronation of the new lion king most animals started leaving. The elders went back to the place in the castle Laval never visits and the others left through the door. All but one crocodile king.

King Crominus kneeled down by the chi pool and moved the water with his hand. Laval stared at him the entire time.

"Are you... leaving?" Laval said as he slowly started approaching the crocodile in order to motivate him to leave.

"Your fathers death was very sad. When do you think you can start... addressing the things he left behind?" Crominus said as he took a sip of the water, then dipped both hands in. The confused look Laval gave him let him know to elaborate.

"We crocodiles never forget, Laval, you know what I'm talking about"

"Cragger taking Chi? Is that what you're mad about?"

"Your father never apologized to me, and I guess he never will."

"I can apologize for him if that's what you want but I'm pretty sure I'm not in charge of the tribe yet, you should go talk to the lion elde-"

"Lion elders!? This needs to be settled between royals! Just for that I no longer accept an apology! You will hear from me, Laval." Crominus said as he dried his mouth from all the water and started walking away.

"Well, what do you want instead?" Laval asked as he watched Crominus leave. The crocodile king stopped for a moment and looked behind him.

"We crocodiles never forget, Laval." Crominus said and left.

Laval continued staring at the crocodile king leaving until he reached the bottom of the stairs. Laval then sighed and left for his room, but not before looking at the door several more times. He was approached by Longtooth when he got to the stairs.

"Don't worry, Laval, we won't let Crominus come back, well, for two days of course. Your father made me promise to take care of you while you are still learning how to navigate being a king." Longtooth said as he patted Laval on the head. Laval smiled and continued walking towards his room.

Laval sat on his bed and looked outside the window. He watched the sun as it disappeared into the forest and then went to bed. He thought about the conversation he had with the crocodile king for hours before falling asleep.

Laval woke up just in time for the sun to rise as he got ready for the day. He opened the door to his room and climbed down the stairs. When he got to the temple he saw Longtooth and the elders discussing something. Longtooth looked at him, then at the elders, a two thirds majority of which nodded and then approached Laval.

Legends of Chima: Rex LeoWhere stories live. Discover now