I love you today, tomorrow, forever

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I love you today, tomorrow, forever
By Georgia Macdonald

The noise of the hallway starts to fade away, and all the students slowly filter into their classes. The ringing of the bell echoes through the school and Mrs. Trip starts class.
"Students, please find your way to your seats and take out your textbooks. Flip to page 125 and start reading." she says. I pull
out my textbook and flip to page 125. I start reading, and shortly after my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and read a message from Luke saying "Look behind you ;)". I do and he's holding a sign that says "U ME PROM?" with the biggest bouquet of flowers that I have ever seen.
"Oh my gosh, yes! Of course I will.'' I gasped in shock. I run up and hug him, then everyone starts clapping.
"Alright, very sweet, but we must get back to my lesson." We all return to class, but the butterflies in my stomach don't. Later that day I got called down to the principal's office in fifth period. That's when everything changed. I walk through the door, not just to find principal Higgins, but also my mother.
"Kate, please take a seat."
"Um, Mom, what's going on?" " honey we have some difficult news" , " mom spit it out please" " your father was in a car accident unfortunately he passed away, Oh honey i'm so sorry". I have nothing to say so we all just sit in silence as the clock ticks. It feels like forever but then the fifth period bell rings and I walk out. Silent tears stream down my cheek as I find my way to my Locker but before I can get there luke stops me in the hallway and I wipe away my tears as fast as I can," hey babe are you ok you never came back to class " " um no not really, can I talk to you in private" " um ya of course" we walk to the janitor's closet and I break down in tears on the floor. The tears come faster and faster, I can barely breath between the sobs, it is so uncontrollable. I have never felt this way in my life .It feels like it will never stop. I feel alone in a room full of people. The pain is too painful. Luke's arms wrap around me he squeezes me in his arms but even his comfort wont help " shhh shhh hay it's going to be ok, I can help you thru this"he says . Even though he's trying, his voice is no help. We have been sitting in a janitor's closet for 20 minutes and I'm just crying on the floor and it's pathetic. Soon after I hear my name being called down to the office over the muffled speaker, Luke helps me to my feet and wipes my tears away. " listen to me, Kate. It's going to be ok I will help you through this but first you need to get home "" ok I think so too", He walks me down to the office and waits in the chairs for me. I walk back into the principal's office looking ten times worse than before and sit down in the chair I fled from before. " Kate I think you need to go home" " yes principal higgins that would be best, Thank you for all your help. Ok honey let's go" she pulls me to my feet by my hand and drags me to the parking lot " Wait mom, I don't want to get into a car" " honey you don't have much of a choice" " MOM no i'm not getting in a car right no-" but she gets cut off my luke. " I can walk her home if thats ok" he says
" whatever I will see you at home" "ok" . " That was pretty intense are you ok" he says " ya im fine she can just be pushy some times" " ya i get that you know how my mom is but i'm here for you". After he says that his hand traces around my back and to my waist, We get to my front steps after twenty minutes of walking and he asks " do you want me to come with you " " yea if you want to" " of course like i said i'm here for you". We walk through the big wight doors to reveal my extremely fancy house with marble floors and the smell of vanilla and lavender in the air, " I always forget how fancy your house is". " yea it's a lot to get used to" " Kate and Luke umm do you guys need anything, a snack or.." " No, we're fine, we're just going to go up to my room " " ok" . We walk up the marble stairs, I glide my hands across the white marble railing and the coldness shocks me. We get to my bedroom and it's just as clean as I left it completely spotless the soft white carpet on my feet, the fluorescent light bouncing off my skin and the light from outside seeping in through my curtains. " hmh still the same as it was before '' , He sat down on my bed and patted the spot next to him signalling for me to come sit. '' Hey it's going to be ok We will get through this together "" I know it's just hard" silent tears stream down my face . I lean back into his arms, A few houses pass not realising we fell asleep. " shit shit shit I was supposed to be home hours ago, Kate I'm so sorry but I need to go text me if you need anything" he says while racing out the door and down the stairs struggling to get his shoes back on. Before I know it He's out the door faster than I can even make it down the stairs, " Might as well get a snack" I think to myself. I walk over to the pantry and before opening the door I glance over to see my mom on the couch watching ninety day fiance with a big glass of wine and a bag of doritos. I swing the door open to only find nutrigrain bars, rice crackers and a couple half full cereal boxes. " great just great we have no food" I think to myself, I decide to check the fridge to see if there is anything better. The fridge is not any better. All it had was expired milk, spinach from my moms failed vegan attempt and some condiments. I go back up to my room to maybe order some food. I'm scrolling through skip the dishes when I get a notification from instagram. It's a tagged post from la new reporter its a post about my dad, SHIT I am fucked the hole school knows now. I decided to scroll down to the comments are all sympathetic. It's bad enough that people know and now they are feeling sympathy for me. It's tragic. The next few days were the worst. It was just sitting in my room alone feeling sorry for myself. The next couple of weeks were the same but then one Friday rolls around and after school my best friend ann decided to visit me after school, " omg hayyyyyy how have you been" " eh not the best, have people been talking " do you want me to be honest" " yes please" " then yes they have like a lot but its not that bad mostly people just feeling bad for you" . I get up from my bed and start pacing " Ughhh i don't want people to feel bad for me i want people to forget about it" " yeah but you and i both know that's not going to happen so you just have to wait for someone to do something even more crazy like finding a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom or a fight witch knowing our school that won't take long". " true but still" " aside from all that, what have you been up to, any house drama " " well my dads business has been doing awful. We have practically no money because my mom has completely run it to the ground" . " shit girl that's terrible i'm sorry that happened" " yea it's whatever tho". After a few hours of us hanging out she has to go home, when I'm walking her down the stairs I overhear my mom arguing with someone on the phone. " Look, I will get you your money. I just need more time "" liz get me my money by the end of the month or you and your daughter are out "" ok" . " um mom what was that about" " oh nothing honey it's nothing to worry about" Mom I'm not a little kid any more you can tell me what's happening. "" Well Kate, we have no money so we have to move. "" WHAT? " " But it's ok i've been looking into a place for us in a little town called elldervile its located in manhattan so it would be a big adjustment but i think it would be good for us" . " but but what about my friends our house i'll lose everything" " you will make new friends plus this will be good for us to start something new" " I don't want to start anything new" " well kate i'm sorry but you don't have a choice, your last day of school will be the 24th and we will leave that weekend i have already booked the plain tickets" . I walk back up to my room and lay down on my bed, " ugh this is so stupid i need to leave my house and all my friends because we're poor". I decided to call Luke so maybe he can help. The clock passed 10 o'clock and then soon after he showed up through the window and came towards me. " hey whats up is everything ok" " um no not really, I have to move my last days the 26th because apparently i'm poor now" . " aww babe i'm so sorry It will be ok tho maybe change is a good thing" " not really i'm going to miss you, my house, my friends" " might as well make the best of it ". He kisses me for the first time in forever and it feels like nothing has changed , his hand on my waist and his other one on my cheek. He runs his hand through my hair bit then we hear a noise up the stairs and we freeze, he lets go of me and I shove him into my closet then all of a sudden my door swings open. My mom is now standing in my door frame and askes " hey are you ok i heard noises" " yep im fine " "ok well i'm going to bed love you" " ok love you to " . All of a sudden I burst out laughing and so did Luke " holy shit that was close" "yep" . He comes closer to me and kisses me again and I wrap my arms around his neck and my fingers intertwine with his hair and smile in between kissing. I push back and say " we can't, my mom is asleep" " ok". I lay down on my bed and he lays next to me " I'm going to miss you, once you leave" " i'm going to miss you too maybe we could skip town start a new life" " totally, where would we go " " idk maybe california , texas, georgia we could really go wherever " " Well I better get home, I have a lot of homework" " ok by luke I love you " " bye kate I love you to" . As he's climbing out the window I give him a kiss and he's off, I lay back down on my bed and slowly drift off. When I return to school on Monday everyone is staring at me but not for the reasons I'm expecting . I checked my phone for the first thing that morning and it was blowing up with notifications tagging me in pictures of ann and luke kissing in the janitor's closet " Oh my god that bitch how dare she" . I storm through the hallways looking for her and i find her at her locker " oh hey kat-" " How fucking dare you wtf is wrong with you why would you do this to me" " kate I can explain, ever since we were little you always got what you wanted and i finally had something for myself" " but you were my best friend I can't believe you would do this to me" " well you always got what you wanted you never asked me what I wanted so I decided to get revenge" " Fuck you Ann". I slap her clean across the face and all of a sudden everyone is around us in seconds, she comes up to me and punches me in the nose and blood is dripping from my face. I yank on oher hair and she punches me in the side of the head, I wipe the blood from my face. I punch her in the mouth and then she grabs me by my shoulders and knees me in the stomach then all of a sudden teachers are pulling us apart in seconds. Soon after we are sitting in the office and I'm holding a tissue to my bloody nose. " girls so I'm assuming this is about a boy, so I'm not going to get too involved so you are both suspended for the week" Mr Higgins says. "So I'm going to leave you two to talk it out. I will be back in fifteen minutes'' he leaves the room and closes the door behind him. " ugh I still can't believe that you would do that to me" I say " well What did you expect you won't always get what you want" " but why he was my first boyfriend and you took that from me how selfish can you really be" " well i guess he just liked me more " " EXCUSE ME" . I jump at her and punch her in the face , she shoves me away and slaps me in the face " oh my god your such a bitch, first you steal my boyfriend then you slap me" " you fucking started it " " whatever I'm leaving" and i walk out the door and to my locker. I clear my locker out because I won't ever be back, I start to walk out the door and then someone stops me in the hallway " Kate listen to me, let me explain" " I can't deal with you right now luke" and I just walk away. I am so furious I can't believe that they would do that to me but I can't help but wonder if maybe she had a point, maybe I am spoiled, maybe I have been handed everything. I Get home and half of my house is packed up in cardboard boxes, I never thought I would see my house like this. I thought I would be moving to college in this house but I guess not. That night I was laying on my bed scrolling on tik tok then I heard a tapping at my window, I went over to check who it was and what it's like . I can't believe he has the nerve to show up at my window . I decided to let him in to see what he had to say " what do you want luke" " I wanted to apologise and explain" . " ok so explain '' ok what do you want to know" " why , why would you do that especially with Ann she was my best friend". " Well I did it because I wanted to, she never wanted to talk about her feelings or things like that " "well I'm sorry that's what a relationship is, it's not all about sex" " I know but still, ok what else do you want to know''. " how long, how long were you cheating on me" " six months" "six months, SIX MONTHS you were cheating on me for . what about my dad, what about everything we went through and that all bull shit" . " no no not at all i still love you" he stands up and cups my face with his hand and wipes away my tears, I push his hand away from my face and shove him away from me. I can't believe you, get out of my house and don't come back ""ok". He climbs out of the window and I crumple to the floor, tears poor out of my eyes. I'm trying to be as quiet as possible but the gasps of air in between sobs , I pull open my bedside table and reveal a pair of scissors. I slide the blade across my skin and blood pours out of my skin, I bite my bottom lip in pain and press down on my thigh with a towel . After a few minutes the bleeding stops. I wrap my thigh in bandages and pull my pj pants back up. I put the scissors back into my bedside table and climbed into my bed . When I wake up the sun is beaming on my face and I pick up my phone, I scroll through social media for about an hour then get up and go have a shower. The steam fills up the bathroom and the water drips down my body and my thigh starts to sting. The sting tingles up my whole body, the hot water trickles down my back. I step out of the shower and the cold air hits my skin like a truck. The white fluffy towel is wrapped around my body. I wipe the steem from the mirror and can see myself in the reflection, the dark brown eyes staring back at me and my chocolate brown hair draped over my shoulders . I leave the bathroom and walk over to my dresser and sort through my clothes and pull out a pear of black leggings and a pale blue hoodie. I get dressed and walk down stairs, on my way to the kitchen and walk past several cardboard boxes. I can't help thinking about what has come to my life. I got cheated on, I'm poor, I lost my best friend and my dad. What is going on? I pull open the fridge door and grab milk,cereal,and a bowl. I pour the milk into the bowl but yet again there isn't enough left. I put everything back and decide to walk to starbucks, I slide my shoes on and i'm out the door. The walk wasn't too bad, just a little breezy, the bell of the door rings as it swings open and all of a sudden there were hundreds of eyes staring right at me . I ignore all the eyes and walk up to the counter and order " hello , what can I get you today? '' the worker says . '' hi can I please get a tall chai latte iced please "" of course, that will be 6.65 will it be cash or card?" " card". I swipe my card and walk over to the waiting area. " Tall iced chai tea latte for Kate" I go and pick up my drink, say thank you and walk out the door. While I'm walking home it starts to rain, once I get home I am completely soaked. I place my drink on the counter and slide off my shoes. The flight is in two days and I still can't believe it. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I won't be living here anymore. It is insane, most of the house is already packed up except a few dishes and then my mom is selling the rest of the furniture. Tomorrow the movers come to move all the bed frames, dressers, things like that and drive it all down . That next day was extremely chaotic with random people coming in and out of the house. After all of my furniture is gone my room looks like a prison cell. All there is is a mattress on the floor and a suitcase with some clothes and some makeup On moving day I had to wake up at four thirty in the morning, my outfit was a black pair of leggings, a grey zip up a black tank top and uggs. My hair was in a messy bun and a very simple makeup look. We got to the airport around five forty five am and I walked straight to the coffee shop. " Can I please get a large Iced coffee" " Yes, of course that will be 4.67 cash or card" " cash please" I hand her a five dollar bill and say " keep the change". I walk over to the waiting area and wait for my coffee. A few minutes pass and I'm scrolling on my phone when she calls my order. " Large iced coffee for Kate" "Thanks' ' I walked back over to take my mom and our luggage and she passed out on the seats. I sit down next to her and pull out my phone and scroll through instagram. A few hours pass and I hear a loud voice over the loudspeaker " Anyone on flight 226 we are now boarding i repeat flight 226, thankyou". I shake my mom awake and tell her '' come on mom it's time for our flight "" oh ok ". I pick up my suitcase and my backpack and start walking towards our gate with my mom slowly dragging behind . " Come on mom, pick up the pace we are going to miss our flight" " Im coming Im coming" . We reach our gate just in time to check in and find our seats. " Hello everyone, my name is Elly. I will be one of your flight attendants. ''Before she could finish her sentence I put my earbuds in and tuned out all the talking. After ten minutes our flight begins to take off. The flight was long but I slept for most of it. I woke up from my sleep just as the plane hit the ground, the wheels screeched on the ground and then jolted us all forward. The Flight attendant's voice comes back from the speakers '' Hello passengers we have arrived at our destination, elldervile manhattan you may now exit the plain" . I step out of the plane and the crisp cold air hits my face and the crisp smell of apple and cinnamon flows into my nose. I walk down the shaky plastic stares onto the hard cement ground. I walk towards the terminal to go and wait for my bag. The carousel goes round and round and round and then finally my black and red suitcase comes around to my hands. And now I have to wait for my mothers things.Her things finally come around and then we walk towards the doors and then my moms phone rings. She says "Hello who is this" "ok thank you we will be out in a moment" then she hangs up. " That was the taxi there, we need to hurry" " ok" . We speed walk towards the exit, We place our bags in the trunk and climb into the back seats. " Hello, can you please take us to 3238 Patterson Street" "of course the drive will be about forty five minutes" "ok sounds good". " The roads are bumpy and rocky and the tree leaves are falling to the floor . Forty five minutes later we arrived at an old brick and white wooden house with dark wooden trim, a long stone driveway with a glass and wooden door. " Well this is us thankyou for the ride" my mother says, I shut the door behind me. I lift my bag out of the trunk and throw my backpack over my shoulders and walk straight to the front door with my mom right behind me. " Ummm mom, how did we afford this I though we didn't have money left" " this was the last house that we still owned and I have a job interview tomorrow but don't worry about it honey" " ok mom whatever you say but can i please have the key" " ok honey". She hands me the key, I place it into the keyhole and turn. When I turn the doorknob and push the door open to reveal a small rustic house. With a dark wood fireplace, floor to roof rosewood bookshelves, mahogany stairs leading up to the second floor. " When will the rest of the stuff be here mom" " I think later this evening but i'm not on shore " " Ok well I'm going to go check out my room " " ok sweety". I slip off my shoes and toss them into the closet and walk towards the stairs, I walk up the creaky stairs and turn down the hallway. I turn open the doorknob to a sad grey bedroom with a huge window right above the garage and a walk-in closet with a gorgeous dangling chandelier . I place my bags down in the middle of the floor then all of a sudden three men with boxes and furniture come bursting through my door. " Um what is thi-" " THE FURNITURE MOVERS ARE HERE" My mom yells from the kitchen, " YEA I NOTICED" I yell back. The movers finish setting up my bed and all my furniture, I put my bed sheets on and climb into my fluffy white sheets and as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out. I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. I drag my limp aching body out of bed and down the stairs to the kitchen, I pull open the cupboard to find nothing " MOM WHERE'S THE TYLENOL" I yell " ONE OF THE BATHROOM BOXES" "K" . I go rummaging through one of the many boxes to finally find the tylenol in the last box. I pour two into my hand and throw them back into my mouth and swallow, I bring myself back to bed and fall right back to sleep and wake up hours later. When I wake back up the sun is shining on my face and my headache is gone. I walk back downstairs but before I can make it I trip over a brown cardboard box then it spills open to reveal a box of my books. I know people think that I'm some popular girl obsessed with her phone and I mean I am but I do truly love books. They are like a wonderful world that I can get lost in. I love every kind of book: romance,fairytale,horror,war, any type of book I love. I pile all the books back into a box next to a bunch of other boxes full to the brim of my books and continue my way to the kitchen. There isn't much in the pantry considering we just moved in yesterday. I decided to go out for a drive to find a restaurant for some breakfast but i can't go out today in yesterday's clothes. I go back upstairs and bring my boxes of books up as well. I place the boxes down on my bed and open my suitcase and pull out a black pair of sweatpants and a small black tank top. I take off my old airport clothes and slide on the new fresh clothes, I pick up my makeup bag and take it and myself and sit down in front of my mirror. I apply my makeup quickly but precisely and put my hair up into two braids and put a beanie on top. I go to grab my keys but realise that my car hasn't arrived yet from the boat so I have to find another way there. As I walk back up the wooden creaky stairs and the heavy book box in my hands. It takes many trips to finally bring all the boxes up but when I'm done the work has just barely started. Instead of beginning that long hard journey of unpacking and putting down all my books on my shelf I decide to go for a walk to maybe find somewhere to eat. When I walked past a restaurant that was filled to the brim with people, there were waiters zipping past, full plates being put down empty ones being picked up. I look up at a voluminous bright sight that says Bruce's Burgers " hum not much of breakfast food but might as well try it if there are already people there at ten am. I walk through the door and the bell rings above me and then a chipper young girl in a light blue apron comes up to me and says " Hello my name is mia, how can i help you today" " um can I just get a menu and maybe place a to go order" " yes of course coming right up". She hands me a menu and after a few minutes of scanning the menu I decide on a to go order of the buttermilk waffles and a chocolate milkshake. I walk back out the doors with my bag and shake in hand. When I get home I take off my shoes and walk over to the kitchen to look through the boxes hoping to maybe find a fork. I did pretty quickly and as soon as I did I took it and my food upstairs. After I finish up my waffles I take my dishes back down stairs and then I run into my mom. " Oh hey mom" " hi honey did you find something to eat" " yep there was a really popular restaurant on maple street" "oh really what's it called" " Bruce's burgers , It's actually pretty good". " well good to hear that there is a good place we can go to eat oh also you start school next week at riverside high" " ughh really so soon we just moved in and i already have to start school' " don't be dramatic you have a hole week to settle in and get ready" "alright whatever can you just bring any of my boxes up to my room?" " yep". I place my dishes in the sink then go back upstairs to start unpacking, I start to unpack my books onto my shelf. It takes hours to unload my books
And my closet is going to take even longer. Instead of starting my closet I decided to take a nap because organising these books really tired me out. I woke up a little before three.And my mom is standing right over me " kate you need to go outside there is a nice girl you are and i need you to take the trash out" " really mom you woke me up from my nap to take out the trash" "yep now go". She rips the covers from my grip and forces me to roll out of bed, I slide on the closest shoes to me as possible and stroll outside to see the same girl from the restaurant. " Hello again" Oh hi mia" "this sort of feels like we are meant to be" " well we should probably start of my you knowing my name so hi i'm kate" " hello kate it's nice to meet you, well i gotta go I hope to see you around"and then she disappears back into her house. I toss the black trash bag into the bin and walk back into my house. " I mean she seems nice but she has a lot of energy" " well i think you guys will be great friends" and then my mom disappears back up the stairs. The next couple of days were very repetitive just sleeping, reading ,scrolling and sleeping again but then that next monday rolled around and school started. I woke up that morning with a pit in my stomach. The outfit I chose was not too basic but I wasn't trying too hard. It was a pair of baggy light washed ripped jeans, a light blue crop top and a baggy grey zip up over top then my white air force shoes. For breakfast I had a simple blueberry muffin and some strawberries and an iced coffee my mother picked up for me on her morning run which was nice. The bus arrived at seven fifty and on the way there I sat next to Mia and she mostly talked the whole way there about who's dating who and all the drama. When I walked into the school it was different from any other school I went to, no one stared at me or cat called me, no one really cared who I was. Mia walked me to most of my classes that day, partly because she was in most of them. If i can be honest she is starting to grow on me , I mean she talks a lot and has a lot of energy but it's a nice change of pace from all my old friends because all my old friends would only go on their phones. After school all I wanted to do was sleep but I had so much homework and reading to do for school I finally went to bed at one am. I don't understand how everyone lives with this much extra work and we aren't even two months in and there's ready so much I need to catch up on . I decide to text mia to ask her for help with all this work,
Hey mia
Do we always get this
Much work?
Yep it usually just
Don't do it tbh

I love you today, tomorrow, forever Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora