Long Lost Princess

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There was a girl who lives on a simple life,she's a kind, softhearted,sweet, intelligent,Good listener and even funny.

"Jisoo!," Her mom shouted

Jisoo imidiently Goes to her mother.

"What is it mom? Am I gonna do household again?,"jisoo answer

"No hon, just come with me,I have a big surprise for you,"her mom respond

"Okay mom,may I change my clothes first?,"She asked

"Why not hon? Just hurry up okay?"her mom answer

after a few minutes jisoo is done changing her clothes and hurry walk up to her mom.

"Mom,I'm done," jisoo says

"Okay hon let's go," her mom answer

"Okay mom, I'm so excited," jisoo respond

"I'm sure you are,every months we go to that place I'm sure you know it," her mom respond to jisoo

"The cat cafe? Where are the different types of cats are there?," Jisoo ask

"Yes hon, are you still excited? I'm so sorry if we are always there for over a months and we can't go to other place.Im really sorry my daughter," her mother Says sadly

"It's okay mom,I'm really excited cause that is my favorite place ever," jisoo says happily to her mother to not let her upset

"Aww,thank you so much hon,you always appreciate it,I love you so much," her mother says

"I love you too mom and I know you know it," jisoo respond

Minutes later they arived to a place where they use to go every month.

Jisoo was so happy cause she see a different cats and different kittens,she play with the cats and talking to it.

"Hi kitty how are you mhh?" She ask the kitten.

"Oh jisoo, why are you talking to a kitten even they can't respond to you?," Her mother ask jisoo

"Mom, ever since they can respond to you you just don't know what meow is," she respond to her mother and the cat meowing to jisoo.

"Okay jisoo u know you can't lie like Pinocchio," her mother says to jisoo

They both laugh.

Hours later

"Jisoo,we are going home cause it is 7:00 pm past," her mother says to jisoo

"Okay mom,can I have few minutes?,"she respond

"Of course hon why you can't? Just take your time," she answer to jisoo

"Thank you so much mom," jisoo says

You're very welcome sweetie," her mom respond

Jisoo imidiently goes to a kitten who she always play with.

"Hi kitty I know you can hear me,I just want to say good bye,good bye my lovely friend,we are going to back here in the next month," jisoo whisper to kitten

The cat just meow to jisoo.

Jisoo wave to her lovely friend the kitten that jisoo named it with Aysha cause it's a girl.

Aysha just look at him.

on the way back home jisoo ask her mother.

"Mom, am I really don't have brother?" Jisoo ask her mother

"Yes,sweetie you don't really have brother,your father leave us when your 3 months old," her mother says while looking at jisoo

"Oh,can you tell me the story?," Jisoo ask

"I can't honey it's a very long story,maybe later when we are  back to our home?," Jisoo's mother says

" Okay mother," jisoo respond

Tomorrow I am gonna upload the next story of the " Long Lost Princess"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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