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The team was still trying to come down from what they just dealt with. It was just insane - and no one could believe what happened. Raven sat on the floor, resting her arms on her knees. She wasn't sure what they were doing or what they were supposed to be doing. They lost the piece of the device, whatever Mr. Nobody was hiding. There were so many questions and not enough answers.

"What we doin', Ramsey?" Roman asked. "Like, where are we goin'?"

"I-I was able to decrypt the data that came through with Mr. Nobody's SOS, and I found GPS coordinates, definitely included on purpose." Ramsey said.

Dom entered the cargo hold where the team was sitting around. Letty looked at Dom, "You knew about Jakob?" Letty asked. Ravenna spun quickly, looking at Dom.

"Pardon?" She looked between Dom and Letty. She let out an airy, awkward laugh. "You didn't just say Jakob right?" Raven got up from where she was sitting. Dom and Letty said nothing, Letty just looked at Dom. "Jakob?" Ravenna repeated.

"Question," Tej asked. "Who is Jakob?"

Letty continued to look at Dom, "Jakob is - or was - Dom's brother." Letty said. Ravenna's face fell, looking down at the ground. It was before she was born, just a couple of weeks actually. Jakob left and no one knew where he went. Ravenna never met him, she just knew there was a third sibling between Dom and Mia.

"Oh, my-my bad. I'm sorry, I'm just processin'. Brother? You got a brother?" Roman asked. Dom said nothing. "Who also happens to be some kind of super spy with his own private army, who drives literally like a bat outta hell, who preplanned an aerial jump and landed at the bottom of an airplane? Who does that?" Roman asked.

"Who does that?" Tej questioned. "A Toretto."

Ravenna looked at Dom. "Jakob's back?"

Flashlights were shining as the team walked through the tunnel. It was strange wherever Mr. Nobody was taking with the coordinates that he put within the video to the team. Ravenna shined her flashlight to the ground, watching where she was going as they continued through the tunnel.

"Talk about off the grid." Ramsey commented.

"I don't think they had grids when this place was built." Roman commented. "If a Ninja Turtle pops out on me, tell you right now, I'm out." Roman added.

"You know, you keep saying you'll be out if somethin' happens, yet eight years later, you are still here." Ravenna commented.

"No way this place was sanctioned by the agency. This was definitely Mr. Nobody's secret hideout." Tej said as the team entered a large portion of the hideout. Tej walked over to the wall, pulling down the lever that turned on the power. Ravenna turned off the flashlight, looking around.

"Holy shit." She dropped her bag to the ground. "This is better than the shit I had to deal with in the DR." Ravenna said.

"What now, Dom?" Tej asked.

Dom turned to look at the team. "Whoever Jakob has become, and whatever he's up to... it's on me. And me alone." Dom said.

"Nah. Whatever's on you, it's on us." Roman said.

"Let's get to work." Tej said.

Ravenna picked her bag back up, heading off to find a place to set her bags down. Ravenna didn't know what the think currently - Mr. Nobody was secretive, but at the same time, this was too much. Ravenna didn't know what to believe anymore, especially knowing that Jokab was still around and potentially hurt Mr. Nobody. "Oh God." Her head hurt just thinking about what had happened in the last few hours alone.

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