Too Many Y/n's!

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I have to make a load of shit up to make this work. So here we go.

There are two separate Hells. One Devils, and one with Demons. (Helltaker and CSM)
Y/n from Konosuba will be brought to the normal world via a portal from Y/n from Helltaker.
Splatoon and Pokemon Y/n will be brought via similar methods.
Everything exists simultaneously. Daedra, Demons, Devils, Breathing Styles, and whatever else.
Age and time are unimportant. For Helltaker and CSM, I can just say they both take place in 1997. Y/n from demon slayer is a demon, so that's how he's still here. But PErson 5 takes place in 2016/2015. So time doesn't exist as it does for us. Simple, right?

Y/n (Helltaker) POV

            Today's the day of the L/n Family reunion. The girls and I are ready, so now all that's left to do is show up. I wonder how the other Y/n's are? Y/n is the name of almost every male in the family tree, all starting with Y/n L/n I, born all the way back in 1897. He's still alive too and looks 17. The rest of the Y/n's are all related to him and one of his harem members. Personally, I'm related to him and Shinobu. 

But enough about our family history, time for celebration. But before that, I do need to pick up a few of the other Y/n's. This first one currently lives in Japan. He's at his office in Tokyo right now, so that's where we're going

"Girls, you ready?" They each give me a nod. "Good. First, we're picking up my cousin from Japan, then heading to Ohio for the party." "How will we get there? Ohio and Japan are pretty far..." Oh, I guess Justice forgot... Oh well. "Magic." Miiraak

Below us, a large portal opens up. And we fall through. Instead of crashing onto the ground, we all land upright. "God, I hate it when you do that..." I pat Malina's head, which I know she hates. "You're fine. Now let's find this dude." 

Luckily, my portal took us right to his office. And right outside is him. "Y/nnn!" He stands from the bench he was sitting on. "Hello." He pulls me into a hug and then notices all the women behind me. "Whoa dude, who're they?"

Ah, shit. I forgot he's a Devil Hunter. "Well, this is my harem of demons." As I expected, mistrust immediately forms in his eyes. "Demons, huh?" He raises his hand. Oh shit. "No no, don't do that. They're DEMONS, not DEVILS. There's a difference."

Luckily, he lowers his hand. I'm not 100% sure I could beat him in a fight. He can literally stop time. I mean, so can I... But still! "Well then, might as well introduce myself." He steps around me and begins to introduce himself to the girls. "'Sup? I'm Y/n L/n, cousin of this dude," He points at me "Nice to meet y'all." 

He shakes each of their hands as they tell him their names. "Greetings, I am Lucifer/ 'Sup dude? Name's Justice/ Hey/ Hello there! I am Azazel!/ Hi. I am Pandemonica/ You smoke?/ Hello! We're Cerberus!/ Salutations, I am the great Beelzebub!" Modeus does not introduce herself and instead begins to drool slightly.

*Slap* I lightly slap the back of her head. "Hey!" "Modeus, control yourself." It seems that Yn and Justice are getting along. And Zdrada was happy to find someone else who smokes- Wait, he smokes? Ah well. "Oh, Y/n, am I allowed to bring any people with me?" Hm... I guess that would be ok. "How many?" 

"5." Eh, why not? "...Sure." He grins slightly. "Sweet" Frys


Begynn Y/n is in the exact same spot as before, but now 5 people stand behind him. A blond-haired boy, a man with dark blue hair in a top knot, a woman with short dark hair, a maybe young woman with strawberry blonde hair and weird eyes, and finally, a woman with long red braided hair and weird eyes. 

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