The Sorcerer

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It was another day for Camelot, a sad one. With her disappearance, everything just felt colder. Arthur had become more rash, his focus on finding Merlyn who he knew was impossible to find. It had been months since her disappearance, but they were still searching. In the past few months, he and Gwen had gotten together, for comfort and love. But Arthur still felt that aching for Merlyn in his heart.

Arthur and his knights had gathered at the round table to discuss tactics against Morgana and the kingdom.

Just then the doors tore open as an unknown entity entered the room. Knights drew their swords as they glared at the unknown intruder.

"Who are you," Arthur strongly spoke, "what do you want?"

"I am here to tell you about Merlyn" he replied.

Arthur and many others gasped as he lowered his sword ever so slightly "What of her? Do you know where she is?"

"That is correct. I am here to show you where she is at this moment in time. But doing this I have to show you these memories of hers."

"Memories?" inquired Gwaine "What memories?"

"That is for you to see and me to find out. I want you to gather your people up and meet me outside." And just like that he disappeared.

His knights began to argue, but Arthur silenced them.

"We will inform everyone. But I want all of you to stay sharp."

Arthur gathered his people and once he got outside, he could see a big screen set up by what must have been magic, and Merlyn's mother arrived still saddened by the loss of her daughter. Also, Morgana and Uther arrived as they joined the group. People backed away from them but they showed no indifference.

"The rules are that there will be no fighting while these memories are playing. Let's start," said the sorcerer as the first memories played bringing everyone's attention to the screen.

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