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You're a avarage introvert Korean guy, since you're father is American and mother is Korean they named you 'Lee Alan' but usually they call you 'Eun woo' at home because of your Korean name 'Lee Eun Woo'. Your life never really been that interesting in your childhood, according to you. Like every other kid out there you loved your parents and home so much and never thought of living without them but that all love started fading as you grow up.

Although you never liked studying but still you were really good at it. Often get excellent grades in exams and that somehow made your parents think that you actually liked studying but in reality it was quite opposite. When you were 12 your parents made you study for a national exam and get into the biggest school of your country but what they didn't knew is you really don't want to leave them,you didn't wanted to live without them specifically at that young age.
Finally it was the day of exam,though it was out of your will but you still wanted to pass the exam because you used to love when your father praise you and pat your head saying 'you did amazing son' those words always made you feel something out of this world. You wanted to go to that school just to hear those words from your father.

as your parents were expecting you passed the exam getting 4th rank out of thousands of students who participated in that exam. As soon as your parents checked the results you felt a hand on you head and you heard those words that made you do something you never really wanted for your self. You were happy but you were more sad and nervous because you had to leave your home and go to that school and live there util you finish your schooling.
The weather was cloudy,you could see lighting far from where you were as you looked out of car window. You were on the way to your new school with your parents. They came to drop you there and maybe to make sure you get settled in your new school dorm.
As they were leaving back to home after dropping you at your new school you were just watching them leave, you wanted to cry, you wanted to hug them and stop them from leaving without you, you didn't wanted to say goodbye to them but you couldn't say a word.

You kept your watering eyes on that car until it turned into a little dot and disappeared somewhere. Throughout half of the year you used to call your parents every night from a phone that the school provide in every dorm since nobody were allowed to keep any kind of electronic or mechanical gadgets without the school's permission and all you used to say on the call was to 'take you back home' as they were really going to do that.

What made it more hard to live there was getting bullied by your own classmates, sometimes for being skinny or for having rich parents,or being good at studies without putting so much affort like others. At that point you started realising that your relationship with parents is not good enough to tell your problems to them, to tell them how hard it is to live there because you knew they'll think you're just making excuses to get out of there.

You used to miss your parents and home so much until a evening there's no classes that day you were sitting on the rooftop there was not a single sound of anything exept of birds and wind Your mind was full of thoughts and then with a *boooom* inside your head you stopped feeling any kind of emotion. That night you didn't called your parents and then the whole week then month until holidays when you came back to your home but you didn't felt any excitement. when your parents asked you the reason of not calling them you gave a honest answer saying you didn't felt like calling them.


Now you were on your 8th grade at that same prestigious school that you always hated living a life you never wanted for yourself still ignoring your parent's call, still studying day and night, still getting bullied and getting beaten up by your classmates and even seniors.
Again it was holidays you were on the way to your home. You were wearing a hoodie and cap that almost hiding your face as you reached your home and pressed the doorbell one of the butlers opened the door for you and as you entered your house you went straight to your room without even greeting your butler and servents who were bowing to you.

At night when your parents came back home your mother came to your room when you were on the bed and she sat down beside you on the edge of the bed and patted your head and asked you about how's your school, without moving your body you answered her that everything is good but then she asked you to show your face saying she missed you so much since she was seeing you after a long year but you denied her request and asked her to leave saying you're tired but she took the blanket off you and grabbing your shoulder she turned you to herself.

As soon as see looked at your face she yelled your name loudly, hearing your mom's voice your Dad came to your room as soon as he entered the room he saw bruised face of his son. Your face was swollen with so many red marks on it. Then they both started asking you what is wrong with your face and what happened to you with a voice full of shock and regret because deep down they knew what happened to you because in your first year you  told your mother that you're getting bullied but they didn't paid attention to that but now it was serious all the evidences of what you told your mom was front of her.

With a teardrop falling from her eyes she hugged you and then yelled at your father for not paying attention to you when she told him about you being bullied. You could see you father's regretful face but you didn't said a word and your father walked out of the room and your mom started gently caressing your swollen cheaks.
After two days,it was morning you were still on your bed when your mom came to your room and you quickly acted like you're still sleeping but she was your mom and she knew you were pretending she opened the curtains and told you to get up and your dad's calling you and then she left. As you were on the way to living room you were thinking why your dad calling you this early in the morning. When you got into living room your dad told you to sit next to him and you did as he said then he told you to go to your school tomorrow and get all your things back  because you're transferring to another school as soon as you heard that tears started flowing out of your eyes and you hugged your Dad tightly and went back to your room.


After transferring to another school you decided you change yourself physically so that atleast people won't bully you for that and you started learning 'Wing Chung' from a Chinese martial arts teacher and it did helped you to transform your physic and helped you to defend yourself when you're in trouble.

When you were living your new life peacefully at your new school you had to change everything again because your dad's business started growing internationally and he had to leave for his home country America.

You insisted your mother to go with your dad at first she was refusing to leave you alone here for that long but  you finally convinced her to leave because you didn't wanted her to feel alone here all day without anyone since you are barely stays at home but before leaving they told you to transfer to another school and start living with your grandparents but you didn't wanted cause any inconvenience to them so you decided to move into a apartment near your grandparent's house and your new school.
As your parents left for US you also moved into your new apartment when you arrived there you didn't expected it be this huge and luxurious it was too much for your taste but you have to live there for now. After settling at your new home you peacefully slept that night thinking you have to go to your new school to start your highschool not knowing what future is holding for you....

(Guys actually I don't edit my stories I'm too lazy for it please ignore typos and grammatical mistakes and I was thinking about putting a story of Alan's middle school but it was making the prologue too long so I'll put that story somewhere in chapters as a flashback but it'll be so long so I'll have to make a separate chapter for it or I might just skip that. Now characters will be introduced from first chapter so please look forward to it.)

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