Chapter 5

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Andy: "Due to an abrupt exit , we will have to replace Luke's partner, who would like to volunteer?"

Someone's hand in the crowd raises.

Ethan: "I would like to take his position"

Andy: "Come on up then"

Ethan stands in front of Luke

Ethan: "Let us have a good fight!"

Ethan takes out a wooden sword out of his sheathe that he always takes with him

Andy: "For fairness in the durability of the weapons, you must use one of our weapons"

Ethan goes over to the weapon wall and takes a wooden sword.

Luke: "Try not to lose too quick"

Ethan: "I am highly trained in the art of the sword you cannot defeat me."

Chapter 5

Luke and Ethan stand face to face.

The match begins.

Ethan stands still in a defensive but somewhat lackadaisical stance.

Luke places all his trust in his speed as he rushes towards Ethan.

Luke slashes his dagger almost faster than the eye can see.

Luke stumbles back as Ethan surprisingly blocks it.

Luke: "No way... he blocked that? That was way too fast for him to see."

Luke rushes in again, swiping one of his daggers towards Ethan.

Ethan takes one step back, barely dodging it, but doesn't seem worried at all.

Luke steps in again and swipes his other dagger towards Ethan's body.

Ethan blocks it.

Luke rushes in again and swings the daggers in opposite directions, one aiming for Ethan's head and the other aiming for his body.

Ethan rotates his sword upside down, blocking the dagger aimed at his body while dodging to the side and palming Luke's wrist, knocking that dagger out of his hand.

Ethan: "That was clever, I admit. You're quite good with those daggers, but what's natural talent to a master of the sword?"

Luke: "Shut up and attack me already!"

Ethan: "Be careful what you wish for. Me not attacking is the only reason you still stand inside this ring fighting."

Luke throws a punch with his empty hand that Ethan blocks.

Ethan kicks Luke back, and as a last resort, Luke throws his last dagger and runs to the other dagger Ethan knocked out of his hands earlier.

Luke tries to quickly get up, but in the blink of an eye, Ethan strikes Luke's shoulder after quickly blocking the thrown dagger.

Andy: "The match is over. Ethan wins."

Alex and Nigel's Second Fight

Alex: "I should wait for him to attack again," Alex thinks to himself.

Nigel puts his hand up, signaling to stop the match. Nigel: "Is it okay if I switch weapons?" Nigel says very lowly to Andy.

Andy: "Sure, go ahead. No rules forbidding it."

Nigel grabs a wooden sword.

Alex: "So you can talk?"

Nigel: "..."

Nigel runs in and slashes his sword.

Alex blocks his strike.

Alex: "We have the same range now. I can't follow the same plan, but even if I'm on the offensive, I can't exactly gauge his speed yet," Alex thinks to himself.

Alex slashes his sword in an attempt to retreat back.

Nigel dodges backward as well.

Alex and Nigel circle the ring in their offensive stances.

Alex slashes his sword sideways.

Nigel avoids it and tries to sweep Alex.

Alex jumps and throws a high kick towards Nigel's neck.

Nigel blocks the strike and grabs Alex's leg.

Nigel tries to touch Alex's leg with the sword.

But before he can, Alex hits the hand Nigel is using to grab his leg with his sword.

Nigel lets go, and they cross swords three times.

Alex: "If the match keeps going like this, we'll end up in a stamina battle. And come to think of it, he wasn't sweating when the first match started. Taking into account he was one of the opponents I could pick, he lost twice. Did he save his energy for the melee weapon round?" Alex was thinking to himself.

Nigel attacks Alex again while he's lost in thought. Alex blocks the strike.

Alex: "I know how I can win this."

Alex decides to play on the offensive and rushes in. But Alex telegraphs a roundhouse kick feint.

Nigel takes into account that in order to win, he has to touch the opponent above the waist with his weapon and tries to block the leg with his swordThis was Alex's prediction, and as the prediction was right, Alex swings his sword with full force from the opposite direction. All Nigel can do is block with his free hand, which he does.

Andy: "The match is over! Alex wins this round."

Nisha and Hakeem's Fight

Hakeem plays patiently with his sword.

Nisha simply tosses her dagger toward Hakeem and walks away.

Hakeem catches it.

Andy: "The match is over! Nisha wins."

Nisha: "You really are an idiot. You shouldn't have even come here."

Hakeem: "You bastard!" Hakeem screams and rushes off to the sidelines.

Charlotte and Mariah's Fight

Mariah sticks her spear in the ground and spins around to kick Charlotte.

Charlotte blocks it with her axe. And touches above her waist with it

Charlotte: "Stop all that fancy business."

Andy: "This match is over. Charlotte wins."

Mariah: "OHHH, I forgot the rule, darn it," Mariah says disappointed in herself.

The rest of the rounds pass.

Gale obliterated her opponent. He had to be taken out on a stretcher as she absolutely destroyed them with her daggers.

Andy: "That's it for combat! Thank you all for participating. For all the ones who make it, we will be taking that data into account for later.

Now, finally, the final stage, the one you've all been waiting for... The Crime Simulation Stage."

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