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Jakob led the kids to the secret place where they'd be meeting their parents. It was a long way from where the small plane left them. They had to take a boat to the dock. JJ looked around, still clinging onto Kookie as they walked through the garage. Jakob looked back at the kids as he gained access to the secret base.

"So, it used to be an old mine," Jakob began as the three of them walked through the mine. "And they blasted tunnels deep into the mountain. And I just, uh, repurposed the place." Jakob said as the kids made it through. He turned on the lights to show them the secret base. "You just got to keep yourself open to possibilities." Jakob added.

JJ's eyes were wide, trying to take everything in. "Wow." She exclaimed.

"And, of course, have a lot of time on your hands."

"You said we'd meet him here." B said, looking around. He was expecting his dad to just be there when they arrived. JJ looked around, expecting the same thing. Jakob looked back at the kids, seeing their sad faces. They wanted their parents, they needed their parents.

"Hey," Jakob walked over to B and JJ. "You know your dad. He's got to make it safe. And you know yours," JJ looked at Jakob. "They'll be here as soon as they can, we'll just wait." Jakob said.

B and JJ exchanged looks before wrapping their arms around Jakob. "I love you, Uncle Jakob."

"Thanks for protecting us." JJ looked up at Jakob, a smile on her face.

B looked across the way. "What's that?"

JJ removed her arms from Jakob, looking at what B was seeing. It was something covered in a sheet. "That? Ah... project I've been workin' on. You wouldn't be interested." B gave him a skeptical look before walking over to the project. He flipped the sheet off the project, looking at what Jakob was working on.

Little B's eyes were wide, looking back at Jakob.

Ravenna was pacing back and forth in the airplane as they flew into Portugal. They would be meeting Jakob there - she was one step closer to hugging JJ, protecting her the way she was supposed to. It was just supposed to be a grab and get the fuck out of the country kind of mission, yet... they were setup and JJ was put into danger.

Ravenna sat down, sitting criss-cross on the floor. Her arms wrapped around her stomach, trying not to make it obvious to anyone but Han. Han was standing by Ramsey, worried sick about JJ just as much as Ravenna was. Seeing his wife in her current state, Han felt horrible.

Han walked over to Raven, sitting down next to her. He gently pushed her hands away, replacing them with his left. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared." Ravenna swallowed hard. "The late term miscarriage scared the shit out of me, Han." Ravenna put her hand on top of his. "I didn't want to go through that again." Ravenna said.

Han turned Ravenna's head with the other hand, kissing her. Ravenna rested her forehead against his, smiling softly. "The midwife even said I should wait, just in case. I'm more surprised you didn't notice." Raven said.

"My observant skills have been more occupied keeping a six-year-old from hurting herself. Sorry, babe." Han kissed her cheek. "How far long?" Han rubbed his thumb across her stomach.

Ravenna chuckled awkwardly. "Nearly seventeen weeks."

"Raven!" Ravenna kissed him before someone heard him almost shout her name. Han looked at Ravenna, "You should have told me the moment you found out."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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