Chapter 6

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*The rest of the rounds pass*

*Gale obliterated her opponent , he had to be taken out on a stretcher as she absolutely destroyed them with her daggers*

Andy: "That's it for combat! Thank you all for participating , for all the ones who make it we will be taking that data into account for later. Now finally the final stage , the one you've all been waiting for... The Crime Simulation Stage"

Chapter 6

Andy: "This stage is the most important one for you all. We will record and track your performances at the end of it. Now the rules All of you will be assigned ONE random partner as it is mandatory for every investigation to have two officers"

Alex: "Is there a reason for that?"

Andy: "Have you heard of the 2nd Yosai Incident?"

Ethan: "Yosai?"

Luke: "How do you not know who the yosai are?!?!"

Luke: "They're that 5 man band. They made that song called uhhh-"

Andy: "Absolutely not, you're talking about the "Glow Guys" "

Charlotte: "You dumbass" she says while looking in the mirror


Charlotte after putting her mirror down: "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A BIMBO? PEA BRAIN!"

Gale covers her mouth while silently chuckling 

Andy: "Alright break it up, I'll explain what the Yosai are There are 5 Yosai, the names aren't important right now but I'll tell you the creator of the Yosai and the yosai who caused the incidents. You can think of the Yosai as crime pillars, there's one stationed in each area of Tek City. North Tek, East Tek, South Tek, West Tek, and Central Tek. The Yosai were created by Kuroji who still runs them to this day" 

Alex seems to remember something

 Andy: "Each Yosai is responsible for some type of crime which all cycles around each other, for example, the illegal drug market is ran by the 2nd Yosai which is funded by the 3rd Yosai who sells guns for money, 4th Yosai runs the manufacturers of those guns while they are provided ammo by the 5th Yosai They commit more crimes than that, but these are the main ones that I am able to explain and also save time with" 

*Ricardo(Alex's Father): On the phone "We have a lead on Kuroji?...... 

Ricardo: "Sorry, work calls, Enjoy your birthday son" 

Damn it , my memory is kind of foggy but I do remember dad saying that name before* 

Alex: "So The Five Yosai are responsible for the main ring of crime right?"

 Andy: "Precisely , of course there are other criminals , 2 bit thugs, and things of that nature, but the Yosai are the main ones we have been trying to take down for years"

 Alex: "Officer Nado...." 

Andy: "Yes?"

 Alex: "Have you heard of the name "Ricardo Reto"?" 

Andy's face contains a hint of depression as he puts his head down 

Andy: "He was one of our greatest officers, It was a sad time when we lost him. Why do you ask?"

 Alex: "My name is Alexander Reto, when I become an officer, I want you to tell me about how my father died"

 Andy: "I love the conviction, I'll try to tell you all I can. Other than that I'm sorry for your loss."

 Alex: "Thank you. Sorry to interrupt, you can go back to the Yosai." 

Andy: "Right. The last part which is why 2 partners are necessary. Years ago the 2nd Yosai's location was reported, one of our officer's went to go case him to track his movement patterns and behavior, he was eventually caught by the 2nd Yosai and was sent back to us dead with a message engraved by a knife on his chest saying "You guy's are no fun, stop sneaking around and talk to me face to face...or you'll end up like this guy" "

 Nisha: "That guy sounds deranged." 

Andy: "We still fail to recognize his motive but we'll apprehend him soon enough" 

Andy: "But we feel that if our officer had more help that wouldn't have happened, plus it's good to have someone watching your back." 

Luke: "Officer Nado!" 

Andy: "Yes?"

 Luke: "What song was the number 1 on the charts one that the glow guys made!?" 

Andy: "ANYWAYS, back to the rules of the Simulation Stage since we got side tracked You will all randomly be assigned a partner, before you enter we will simulate your weapons, just tell us which ones you want melee wise, other than that you'll all receive a pistol. Brief reminder of the Tek City Police Force Law, this was also a written response question on your test If the suspect uses nothing but their fist, you are only allowed to use your fist, or your taser If the suspect uses a melee weapon of any sort, you are allowed to use your melee weapon and your taser still Finally if the suspect uses a firearm you are allowed to use your firearm, but you must not aim for lethal shots unless forced to." 

*Well... I got that question wrong* Ethan and Luke both think to themselves. 

Andy: "Now before the teams are picked any questions?"

 Andy: "No one? Okay." 

Andy: "We will be going one team at a time, with that being said. First team will be Ethan and Luke" 

*If their crime simulation requires a deduction those dumbasses are done* Alex thinks to himself while facepalming 

Luke: "Ethan?" 

Ethan: "That is I!" 

Luke: "Oh you?!?! 

We got this in the bag then!" 

Ethan: "This shall be no issue for men of our caliber" 

Andy: "Enter the preparation room and put on your suits, you can talk to the operator about which melee weapon you want..." 

Ethan and Luke suit up 

Ethan: "I'll take a trusty katana"

 Operator: "No problem" 

Luke: "Can I get two daggers?" 

Operator: "I got you" 

Luke and Ethan walk out in their simulation body suits. 

Andy: "Now enter this room and put this VR headset on, once you enter the simulation you'll be broadcasted on the screens on the walls" 

Luke and Ethan enter and put on their headsets Andy: "Everyone face the screen! The simulation has begun!"

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