200 calls later

409 29 4

Heidi had called Tina atleast a thousand times

"Tina..Please answer I'm sorry don't break up with me!" the Thai women ugly cried into the phone that she held shakily.

She tried 4 more times but later decided that her calls were probably just gonna annoy the other girl rather than make her forgive her so she stopped. And in those few seconds she also decided that she will call everybody who Tina would possibly go to if they were in a fight, for help.

"Hello?" The person on the other line spoke

"Marima?" Heidi hiccuped into the phone

"Uh, what's up? Are you okay?"

"NO!" Heidi replied her voice a pitch higher than usual

"What's wrong?" Marima questioned

"Tina! She's gonna break up with me! This is unbelievable! I can't believe this is happening to me!"

"Did you say breakup? Why would she do that?"

"Because! She told me 'Heidi, I'm gonna go to the store and if I find you asleep
when I come back, we're breaking up!' and when she came back I fell asleep and the last thing I remember is her saying that I was ridiculous and walked right out the house!" Heidi spoke and now crying again harder since she had to relive that awful memory of her maybe getting broken up with.

Heidi listened for a response but she only heard silence and then out of no where an eruption of laughter from her phone.

"Why are laughing? This isn't a laughing matter, you're being so insensitive" Heidi pouted, rolling her eyes but also tears streaming down her face as she did.

"Why the hell did you go to sleep if she told you that she would break up with you if you fell asleep?" Marima could barely speak since her stomach was hurting from how funny she thought this was.

"I didn't mean to duh! I was just on my phone and I can't even remember falling asleep.."

"Well, you got yourself into this so I don't know what to tell you." Marima chuckeled before hanging up.

"Well I guess Tina isn't at that jerks house" Heidi thought to herself. She swiftly put her phone into her back pocket and put on her shoes and got her keys and left the house. Heidi thought that since her soon to be ex girlfriend wasn't answering her phone, that she was just gonna look for her.


Later arriving at someone's house she quickly got out of her car and jogged onto the persons porch and knocked loudly.

"Engfa! Charlotte! Someone open the door!" Heidi pleaded, she knew Tina was good friends with Engfa and sometimes would go over to visit her friend.

"What? Heidi is that you?" She heard from the other side of the wall and seeing the doorknob turning around and the door opening.

"What? Why are yelling on my porch hm?" Engfa narrowed her eyes at Heidi.

"Is Tina in there?"

"Uh not that I know of, why is she supposed to be?" the girl infront of her spoke looking at Heidi with a very questionable look.

"So, me and Tina are having a small fight..I don't really want to get into it." Heidi sighed

"Oh well she's not here-"

"Okay fine I'll tell you! She might break up with me!" The cat eyed girl lips started to quiver and now the waterworks were starting to form.

"Uh..Charlotte! Come quick!" Engfa yelled uncomfortably as Heidi was on her porch uncontrollably crying again.

200 calls later (Heina Oneshot) Where stories live. Discover now